Knights of Montfort (Foot Knights) for Bretonnia (NO UPDATE NEEDED FOR THE BEASTMEN DLC)

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Author: Gorgos

Last revision: 4 Feb, 2021 at 16:07 UTC

File size: 4.49 MB

On Steam Workshop


No Update for Sisters of Twilight needed as nothing related with this mod was changed.

This is a lore-friendly and balanced unit mod for Bretonnia. Save compatible.

⇨Recruited from level 4 Barracks.

⇨Balanced for vanilla.

⇨An actual unit from Bretonnian lore.

⇨Same tech tree and lord skill upgrades as Knights of the Realm.

🔷This is yet another unit addition by me for Bretonnia. Bretonnia as a setting is my favorite faction however I feel like their roster is too limited compared to other factions and their own potential when you look at their lore and the real life inspiration era. I intend to fix this by adding units from lore snippets or ideas that were scrapped by Games Workshop. As you might know, Bretonnia is a discontinued faction in the tabletop game so theyre naturally lacking content compared to other factions. When people say that Bretonnian knights wouldn’t fight on foot they’re factually and logically wrong because a) they do fight on foot in the lore and multiple books, b) there were foot knight miniatures in the earliest Bretonnia editions and c) it is literally impossible for knights to fight on horse in every single instance. Here’s a lore snippet regarding this:

"A knight’s place is in the saddle! Why must I practise fighting on foot like a peasant? I do not plan on trudging through the mud to war like a commoner."
"A knight does not always have the luxury of choosing the circumstances he fights in. What happens if your horse is slain beneath you?"
"I’ll get a new horse!"
"What if the battle takes place upon a muddy mire, and your lord orders you to fight on foot?"
"Then my lord would be a damned fool for choosing such a ridiculous battlefield!"
"Gunthar stared at the young man with cold, humourless, grey eyes. His moustache twitched in irritation…"
—Gunthar, Weapon Master of Garamont, attempting to teach the young Bertelis.
*source: Knights of Bretonnia (Omnibus) by Anthony Reynolds

Anyway, about Knights of Montfort; they solely fight on foot because of the geolocation of the Dukedom of Montfort where its filled with steep hills and mountains. Knights of this dukedom train to be foot knights and go on to their quests on this style. A lore snippet about them:

Out of all the Dukedoms in Bretonnia, Montfort is perhaps the most notable for fielding Foot Knights. The mountains that cover the Dukedom severely limit mounted combatants, and Duke Folcard accepts no limits in his pursuit of the Greenskins that infest his lands… *
*source: Warhammer Fantasy RPG 2nd ED — Knights of the Grail

Hope you will enjoy the mod, take care and stay healthy.