Future Ducky

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Author: McDucky

Last revision: 25 Aug, 2022 at 22:11 UTC

File size: 2.13 MB

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Future Ducky: The Fowl Play

A clone of a familiar duck, coming from the future, Future Ducky tries to find out what caused her to exist in the first place. She carries a revolver, limited to only 6 bullets at once, needing one to take one down. Known as Ducky w/ a Gun.

Gimmick: Enhanced Bullets

Unlike a movie star, F.Ducky needs to reload her pistol. When doing an active reload, she can enhance her spent casings by timing an attack/special press on the right time. This enhances her gun normals and specials.


N-Special: Quickdraw

F.Ducky shoots out a laser projectile across the stage. Fast-falling mid-air can help you cancel the endlag on the move.
With Enhanced, her bullets gains more hitpause to let you advance and combo.

F-Special: Featherly Spirit

F.Ducky unsheaths her revolver and focuses her breathing, she moves in a flash!
With Enhanced, she gains a sweetspot on the start of the move that can kill people early!

D-Special: Laser Field

F.Ducky charges her revolver and spawns a magnetic field. Her bullets can get stuck in it and target anyone who is near. She can also hold down special to put in bullets automatically and if full, can be shot at to fire all three much earlier!
With Enhanced, the bullets inside the orb gain extra hitpause.

U-Special: Scarf Dash

F.Ducky focuses her breathing to dash through the air at any-direction! She can bypass pratfall by hitting the opponent.

Special Thanks to:

Wattmelon, being the loveliest boyo and motivating me.
Regina Reforged, for being a big motivator, creating the cover art and help me figure out her moveset.
LotsOfLatte, for the portrait art as always.
Team Grappler’s Project, for helping me feel belong somewhere.