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Author: King Of Droids

Last revision: 6 Oct, 2022 at 04:53 UTC

File size: 2.48 MB

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Impmon schemes his way into rivals of aether!

Impmon is a hybrid fighter, able to play it safe with range attacks, lay cunning traps, or try risky but highly destructive short range skills that can take his enemy or even himself out in a flash! This digimon is out to prove that despite his short stature, he is still a big threat! He is perfect for players that play on the dangerous side for great payoff.

Is Compatible with:
Trial Grounds
MT. Dedede Stadium
Boxing Arena.
Pokémon Stadium

Notable Moves:

NSPECIAL: Magic Circle

Impmon creates a seal in the air. This seal, when crossed, instantly stuns enemies, making them vulnerable to Impmon’s stronger moves. This seal can however be broken by projectiles and extended melee moves.


Impmon’s infamous specialty. He lights a fireball on his fingertips before flinging it at the foe, damaging and burning them.


Impmon accidentally sets his tail on fire, making him pause mid fall, flying straight up in pain, doing 3% damage to him but sends him high into the air for great recovery


Impmon pauses before summoning a hailstorm of ice, throwing three large chunks at the foe. These do some good damage while giving Impmon some more time to think about his next move.

UAIR / FAIR: Darksong

Impmon fires a slow moving black projectile either up or sideways depending on the move used. It fades quick and has limited range, but perfect for harassing foes into combos.

Strong moves: pranks!

His strong moves are all incredibly powerful, but with large drawbacks. Most are also very hard to hit, so stunning a target with his neutral special is a great way to combo into these more effectively.

USTRONG: inflatable doppleganger prank!

Impmon inflates a copy of himself that detonates wildly, causing massive damage and knockback for everyone hit. This is a move that’s easy to spike with at low percentages. However, this move leaves impmon highly damaged and charred afterwards, weakening him and leaving a big window for attacking him while he recovers.

DSTRONG: Electric Buzzer prank fail

Impmon accidentally steps on his own buzzer, zapping himself and anyone directly touching him. The range is poor on this move and the knockback is small, but it racks up damage in a flash on the enemy…but also on impmon himself.

FSTRONG: Bio-Emerge… fake?

Impmon summons a rift that he says summons a powerful creature, when in reality it leads to nowhere. He can keep the rift open so long as you hold down the strong button. It covers a tall area so it can be used to edge guard incredibly effectively, even blocking all projectiles. However, It’s straining to keep up, draining more and more hp at a rampant rate the longer it’s held open.

Press the special attack button during the countdown to enable his voice lines!

Impmon’s sprite is from Digimon Battle Spirit

If you got anything on your mind about this little mischief maker, don’t be afraid to share in the comments!