War Automatons and Steamplate Dwarfs

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Author: Pwner1

Last revision: 31 Aug, 2023 at 20:17 UTC (1)

File size: 23.46 MB

On Steam Workshop


Brings two units available to human factions of Order and two monstrous infantry to dwarfs.

"Introducing the War Automatons, a groundbreaking creation designed by a group of highly skilled engineers commissioned by a wealthy consortium with a profit-driven agenda. These mechanical marvels embody the perfect fusion of advanced steam technology and formidable warfare. Crafted with meticulous precision, the War Automatons are the epitome of industrial prowess.

Functioning as self-contained war machines, these automatons units are intricately constructed with sturdy iron-plated exteriors, housing a complex system of interlocking gears, steam chambers, and pressure valves. The heart of their design lies in the ingenious steam propulsion system, enabling swift and agile movements, as well as relentless combat capabilities.

The War Automatons are not bound by allegiance or ideology. Driven by their creators’ relentless pursuit of profit, they are made available to any nation willing to invest. Production plants are strategically established within client lands, ensuring a steady supply of these formidable war assets. Their availability to both sides of a conflict underscores their creators’ willingness to capitalize on the chaos of war."

Basic unit is 90 models, unbreakable, immune to contact effects. The giant has stats of a terracotta sentinel, but with more armor but it lacks magical attacks but as anti large. Skaven variant has magic attacks and "zzzap" effect.

"The Steamplate Frame is a design found in old archives, but never built due to unknown factors, some speculate that it’s obscurity is related to the Chaos Dwarfs who have built similiar devices from themselves. The Frame allows for a dwarfs who has lost limbs to fight and mine once again, it’s machinery powered mechanical limbs are powerful than those of a Dragon Slayer."

Miner variant is 24 models, can vanguard deploy and destroy walls, Ironbraker variant is 16 models with terror, flaming attacks and "burnt" effect.

Credit for the animated GIFs goes to RC 38 Boss
Please give feedback and suggestions. Thanks.


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