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Authors: KASU HEARTS, McDucky

Last revision: 14 Nov, 2022 at 09:45 UTC

File size: 860.16 KB

On Steam Workshop


A cold girl, she’s not much for taking time fooling around with her opponents, she prefers to take them out nice and clean. Plant webs to trap your opponent and use your long limbs to get the advantage!


Kinunosu’s gimmick revolves around stacking webs on your opponent, the more webs you stack (max. of 4), the more dangerous your cobwebs and tools become. Tools that you can use to apply stacks are Jab Combo, F-Special, and N-Special. Using any of the attacks listed before, excluding N-Special, or catching them in a cobweb will wrap them for a short period of time.



A slow travelling projectile, useful for applying web stacks onto your opponent or continuing combos!


An angle-able web shot, hitting an opponent, wall, platform or cobwebs will allow you to pull yourself into it. Speed varies based on how far the object is. Can also be used to apply web stacks.


A trap projectile. Plant a cobweb (3 max.) that will trigger once an opponent gets close to it, wrapping them on success. If hit into it, the cobweb will close much faster than if they were to run into it. Can be used to sling or recover with.

On wrap, levels will affect how long the wrap will last for!

If done near a cobweb, Kinunosu will grab the cobweb and throw it at the opponent, automatically giving them one stack!


Recovery and kill tool. Shooting her backlegs as far as she can to get a lift or to stab an opponent! Hitting a wall or cobweb will give her a boost, being act-able if so, otherwise gets sent into pratfall.

Regina Reforged for helping me make sprites and getting me to work on this character in general, she is a blessing and check out her other work! Especially Carcossant, our work collab!