Scrambled Eggs’ Vampire Coast Unit Expansion (+ Fell Bat Mount)

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Author: Scrambled Eggs

Last revision: 25 Jun at 12:06 UTC (2)

File size: 88.59 MB

On Steam Workshop

Adds 8 new units to the Vampire Coast (and a Fell Bat Mount for Gunnery Wights)

All the units are pretty gimmicky, but the Vampire Coast is literally a gimmick faction so it makes sense. The Vampire Coast also has very little lore, so these might be considered lore-adjacent. I believe the added units have been added to the Raise Dead pool, but haven’t actually been able to check yet. I did move the Bloated Corpse recruitment from the Monsters building chain to the Corruption building change (for both land and sea buildings) just to reduce the amount of visual bloat.

If you are having issues with downloading this mod try going to SteamLibrary/steamapps/workshop/content/1142710/3250232992 and copying seggs_cst_expansion to SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Total War Warhammer III/data

Batwing Bombard

Variant of the Vampire Coast mortar that has two firing modes, both of which fire exploding bats. One is a cluster bomb that releases a dozen smaller bats in mid air while the other fires a single larger bat that should hit its target very consistently–good for hitting artillery and wizards. It also has an active ability that allows you to spend half your ammo to summon a unit of exploding Fell Bats (described below). Based on weaponry actually developed by the US military. []

Altar of the Abyss

Vampire Coast version of the Corpse Cart. Has an aura that gives armor and fire resistance and restores the vigor of nearby units. It also has a healing aura that is only active while the Altar is in water. Should help make Coast front lines/infantry blobs a bit more resilient like those of their land-locked cousins (but not excessively so). Has some fun animated props.

Ghost Helmsmen

They’re like Aspiring Champions but ethereal, undead, and ranged. They have an aura that increases missile resistance for nearby units and a scaling ability that increases their own accuracy and your WoM as they kill enemies. They also double-dip in a few techs (but not lord abilities), which should keep them useful in the late game. The basic idea for this unit and their name comes verbatim from a Van der Graaf Generator song. There is at least one other prog rock reference in this mod (on a different unit).

Fell Bats (Explosives)

Like Fell Bats but with worse stats and they explode on death. Actually, each individual model explodes when it dies, creating a bunch of mini explosions instead of a single one, which I think is pretty nifty. They’re summoned by the Batwing Bombard but you can also recruit them for some reason.

Wraithstorm Carronades

Cannons operated by Necromancers, they fire beams of black magic instead of traditional munitions. They inflict a debuff that slows, damages, and reduces the missile block chance of affected enemies. Also, they have a unique version of the "More Powder!" passive causing their missiles to do more damage at high WoM instead of at high ammo.

Corpsegas Spewers

Variant of Deck Gunners but with shorter range and much higher DPS–basically a Vampire Coast version of a flamethrower unit. They have a reduced unit size only to reduce the amount of lag they cause. Their projectile inflicts a damaging debuff as well. I spent several days in Blender modelling the tube that connects the two zombies of each model. It’s not a very good model I’m just bad at Blender.

Bloated Corpse (Lizard Trinkets)

Bloated Corpse variant that causes a Deliverance of Itza-type explosion. Does much more damage than the normal Bloated Corpse, but after a moderate delay. Causes friendly fire (your troops are not lizards).

Bloated Corpse (Damned Reliquary)

Bloated Corpse variant that spawns a debuffing vortex. Does not cause friendly fire, so it’s ideal for lobbing into where the lines meet.

Fell Bat Mount

I thought it was silly that all the Coast Heroes/Lords ended up on a Promethean, so I made a Fell Bat (the big ones used for Deck Droppers) mount for the Gunnery Wight. Has a hidden passive that buffs his accuracy and sight range (letting you see hidden units more easily) to make up for having less armor than the crab. You can also just fly right above the enemy and drop your 2 bomb skills.


Chinese translation:
SFO Submod: I’ll make this once SFO is working for 5.0
Other Submods/translations:Feel free to make your own just link back here please.

Special thanks to Frodo for RPFM, Ole for AssEd, Da Modding Den (especially Lost2Insanity, All is Dust, Calm n Normal Time, DeadFingers, ChaosRobie, and Drazhir for answering my questions), and Cryswar for his fabulous custom unit guides. This was uploaded with Prop Joe’s WH3 Mod Manager, which I highly recommend.

I welcome your balance suggestions.

Old revisions of this mod are available below. Click the link to download.