Morr Mercenaries: Free Company Enhanced

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Author: LotLP

Last revision: 25 May at 16:05 UTC

File size: 871.67 KB

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Welcome to Morr Mercenaries, a mod that adds more flavours of Free Company units, for all those that like the flavour (and crunch) of having swords-for-hire as infantry units in their army, but found the regular free company militia a bit too anemic going into the lategame, as these units begin getting severely outclassed by the tried old tactic of standing still and blasting your enemies with artillery, with a defensive line of spearmen. My intention with Morr Mercenaries is to enhance the Free Company units without disrupting the game’s balance. The new units are designed to provide specific tactical advantages without giving the Empire an overpowered, do-everything frontline troop. Each unit has strengths and weaknesses to ensure fair and balanced gameplay.

Mod Features:

Enhanced Free Company Militia
Free Company Militia units are now upgraded by the lord melee skills, giving them a slight edge in melee with some investment. The other free company units in this mod, as they are hybrid units, also get this benefit.

New Units

Free Company Stalwarts:
Role: Defensive Infantry
Lore: As Free Company Militia units earn their wages, many of them will save coin to buy better weapons and armor. Over time these mercenaries band together in large groups to form Stalwarts. Losing out on some mobility due to the heavier armor, these units nonetheless command a greater wage from commanders, and they fight fiercely to prove their worth.
Description: The Stalwarts are a good addition to a frontline. Their enhanced health, armor, and melee defense compared to free company militia will allow them to survive in melee for longer. They lack shields, however, and missile units can take a heavy toll on them. A frontline of only stalwarts might be hard to keep alive, but several units of spearmen supported by Free Company Stalwarts are a different story.

Free Company Bastions:
Role: Heavy Defensive Infantry
Lore: As Stalwarts accumulate wealth and experience, they are able to afford some of the best armor and weapons a free citizen of the empire could hope to wield. Both charging and retreating enemy units can expect large volleys of shot in addition to their lethal blades, and every blow and shot count to these veteran warriors.
Description: These elite defenders take the concept of a tough, durable unit to the next level. With even greater defensive capabilities than the Stalwarts, the Bastions are your go-to unit for withstanding the most brutal assaults, all while maintaining the firepower of their trusty pistols.

Free Company Ambushers:
Role: Skirmishing/Flanking Infantry
Lore: Not all who live long enough to save up a years worth of wages end up forming stalwarts. Discretion is sometimes the better part of valor, and not being seen at all can be a great way to stay safe in the heat of battle.
Description: The Ambushers are masters of stealth and surprise. With stalk, vanguard deployment, and the devastating flanker abilities, they can infiltrate enemy lines and deliver lethal melee attacks from the flanks.

(I have not posted unit stats because these are subject to change based on feedback, if the stats become more finalized in the future I will post them either here, or a link to them)

Future Plans

Custom Outfits for my Free Company variants: I have not spent a lot of time editing meshes so far, and have little experience in the matter. But it would be nice for them to have something more than just head, body, and legswaps.
Elector Count Troops and Regiments of Renown: Special versions of the new units, with some unique abilities compared to the baseline units.

Feedback and Support

As this is my first mod, I am under no illusion that this mod will end up with the quality level that I want it to right from day one. So I would invite everyone that has used this mod to share their opinions in the comments, so I can make this mod both fun and balanced.

Thank you for subscribing and supporting Morr Mercenaries. Enjoy commanding your enhanced Free Company units, and may they lead you to glorious victories!