Operation: Gothic Serpent pt. 3

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Author: ryanmdoty

Last revision: 5 Aug, 2021 at 17:58 UTC

File size: 759.13 KB

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Task Force Ranger received intel that two enemy HVIs will be meeting in this building. You are going to assault the target building, while the Rangers provide security. The 16 of you assaulting the building should be able to take it down quick.
Operators: 4 Because of the landing locations, 2 of the Delta teams did not take part in the first moments of the assault. SFC Rierson (KIA Oct. 6) and his team had already secured floor one before SFC Howe had entered, and Howe and his team then went upstairs.
Difficulty: Easy
Size: Small

October 3, 1993
As part of UNOSOM II, the United States sent military forces to protect humanitarian efforts in Somalia. Mohamed Farrah Aidid was the warlord of the Habr Gidr clan, which had opposed UN peacekeeping efforts. Task Force Ranger was deployed in August with the goal of finding or killing Aidid. This raid was intended to capture 2 of Aidid’s top lieutenants. Delta would ride in on the MH-6s, and assault the target building, while 4 Ranger chalks would create a perimeter. The Somalis had noticed the preparations of the Americans, and the city had mobilized to fight. The subsequent downing of 2 Black Hawk helicopters resulted in a drawn out engagement, instead of a quick snatch and grab.