Basic Map

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Authors: DaemonForge, cnofafva

Last revision: 21 Jul, 2021 at 17:42 UTC

File size: 71.1 MB

On Steam Workshop

Baisc Map Mod

The Basic Map Mod is a, simple map GUI with the default Keybind of "M" allowing player to open the map, and place markers, as well allowing servers to set permanent markers, We have also added a few settings to provide something better than the simple map object for hard core servers, allowing hardcore server to offer features (with a more realistic feel) This include a setting to force players to have a pen in order to create markers on the map, a setting that has the markers save to the map object it self, and requiring players to have a compass to see 3d markers or them selfs on the map.

Don’t like the way something looks on the map or want to swap out the font or change colors, or even embed custom areas on the map it self, the mod is open source and freely available to be modified and repacked, just make sure to provide credit, and include the notice file.


Collaborated on with Daemon Forge and Cnofava

Use on monetized servers is allowed.
Repacking is allowed provided you link to the mod or github on your steam page



3rd Party Credits

Icons made by DinosoftLabs, Darius Dan, Kiranshastry, Vectors Market, Those Icons, Eucalyp, Smashicons, surang, smalllikeart, mavadee, Pixel perfect, and Freepik sourced through

How to Support Me

If you are interested in donating to help support the mod or just buy me a beer to keep me motivated you can do so
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