Athena Drives Greek Epic Hero Chariots

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Author: Cybermat47

Last revision: 11 Jun at 03:27 UTC

File size: 795.12 KB

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With this mod, the chariots of the Greek Epic Heroes will be driven by Athena (or at least someone claiming to be Athena) in the Truth Behind the Myth and Mythological modes. This mod will work best in battles where only one Greek Epic Hero is in a chariot.

‘"Diomedes, son of Tydeus," replied Athena, "man after my own heart, fear neither Ares nor any other of the immortals, for I will befriend you. Nay, drive straight at Ares, and smite him in close combat; fear not this raging madman, villain incarnate, first on one side and then on the other. But now he was holding talk with Hera and myself, saying he would help the Argives and attack the Trojans; nevertheless he is with the Trojans, and has forgotten the Argives." With this she caught hold of Sthenelus and lifted him off the chariot on to the ground. In a second he was on the ground, whereupon the goddess mounted the car and placed herself by the side of Diomedes. The oaken axle groaned aloud under the burden of the awful goddess and the hero; Pallas Athena took the whip and reins, and drove straight at Ares.’