[VJ] Touhou Project SNPCs

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Author: Juggernaughty

Last revision: 13 Feb, 2023 at 06:40 UTC

File size: 6.5 MB

On Steam Workshop



Warning: This Addon/Mod is highly intensive and will break or melt your PC due to the stress and wanton epicness.

Addon now currently has the option to change their Power Levels, from 10% to 100% respectively
(Found in the VJ Base Context Menu)

This Addon Includes 13 SNPCs :

= 射命丸 文 / Aya Shameimaru, Gensokyo’s Resident Nosey Tengu Reporter.
= チルノ / Cirno, The Ice Fairy of Misty Lake.
= 霧雨 魔理沙 / Marisa Kirisame, The Not-so-Ordinary Magician.
= 紅 美鈴 / Hong Meiling, The Scarlet Devil Mansion’s Chinese Gatekeeper.
= パチュリー・ノーレッジ / Patchouli Knowledge, SDM’s "One-Week" Elemental Youkai Magician.
= 博麗 霊夢 / Reimu Hakurei, Gensokyo’s Premier Shrine Maiden.
= 鈴仙・優曇華院・イナバ / Reisen Udongein Inaba, The Legendary Moon Rabbit of Insanity.
= レミリア・スカーレット / Remilia Scarlet, The Scarlet Devil Herself.
= 十六夜 咲夜 / Sakuya Izayoi, SDM’s Time-Space Chief Maiden.
= 伊吹 萃香 / Suika Ibuki, One of the Four Devas of the Mountain.
= 比那名居 天子 / Tenshi Hinanai, The Spoiled Bratty Celestial from Bhava-Agra.
= 霊烏路 空 / Utsuho Reiuji, A Nuclear Hell raven who regulate the flames of the "Hell of Blazing Fires".
= 魂魄 妖夢 / Youmu Konpaku, Half-Human/Phantom Gardener of the Netherworld.

=:= Located in the Touhou Project tab (includes a Spawn Icon)


The SNPCs in the pack are highly advanced and extremely powerful, and can hold their own in a full-blown fight. Their attacks are highly dynamic will occasionally duke it out in the air, fighting each other and causing collateral damage on a stupidly high scale. They’re very versatile and fights can go on from just a few seconds to several minutes.

Fights are so intense the whole sky is blanketed with deadly colorful bullets and effects. Any fight between them can go either way, and will wipe out anyone lower than them.

Each and every one of them is fully capable of wiping out an entire army by themselves alone.


Touhou Project SNPCs’ Features :

= Each of them harbor more than 2 dozen different attacks ranging from basic melee & range, to powerful skills and spell cards.
= Will continually dodge projectiles aimed at them, including crossbow bolts, combine balls, and even RPGs.
= Will also block projectiles if they couldn’t dodge them in time.
= Is able to fly and catch up to you in the skies.
= Also able to fight in any terrain! Be it Land, Water, or in the Skies.
= Has Epic Orchestral Themes to implement their ultimate boss status.


Aya’s Unique Features:
– Able to deflect incoming strikes back to the enemy, including Combine Balls and SMG Grenades.
– Is the fastest in terms of speed in the sky.
– Able to summon Youkai Crows to help her in battle.
– Able to buff herself to become even faster, almost as if she’s blinking.

Cirno’s Unique Features:
– Has the smallest hitbox out of everyone.
– Constantly keeps herself afloat, making herself hard to hit in melee ranges.
– Can blanket the battlefield with hundreds of bullets before freezing them.

Marisa’s Unique Features:
– Has inaccurate yet highly damaging attacks for her basic spells.
– Rides her broom during flight, and will constantly use it during fights, even as a melee weapon.
– Has two extremely powerful attacks which consists of her using her Hakkero to its full power.
– Has an Epic Metal remix of her theme instead.

Meiling’s Unique Features:
– Mainly a CQC Fighter, she’s extremely dangerous at close range.
– When taking enough damage, she’ll buff herself and regenerate health to keep up the fight going.
– A Mighty Glacier, she’s more than capable of tanking heavy hits just so she could close in.

Patchouli’s Unique Features:
– Very versatile fighter with several buffs and highly damaging attacks.
– Also able to heal herself and refresh all of the cooldowns to her spells.
– Is basically walking artillery that destroys anyone from afar.

Reimu’s Unique Features:
– Most of her range skills and spells are homing attacks.
– Extremely Agile, is the only one able to dodge while casting spells.
– Has several escape spells when things get too hairy.
– Also able to reach Fantasy Heaven mode, eradicating the culprit in sight.

Reisen’s Unique Features:
– Incorporates Mind and Wave manipulation, turning her invisible, making more than one copies of herself, and also making allies and enemies go insane.
– Will shroud the entire battlefield with an Infrared Moon.
– Able to heal and buff herself using an Elixir.

Remilia’s Unique Features:
– Constantly regenerates health at a considerable rate.
– Versatile and able to steal enemy life using buffs and attacks.
– Has a Blood-like Aura that siphons enemy combatant’s health that are close to her.

Sakuya’s Unique Features:
– Able to control time and space at will.
– Regular Knives are able to be redirected mid-flight using her time-space manipulation.
– Can create tens to hundreds of knives in an instant.

Suika’s Unique Features:
– Able to control density.
– She can resize into a giant to stomp on enemies and/or even turn into mist to avoid attacks.
– Also able to create tiny copies of herself using her own hair strands.

Tenshi’s Unique Features:
– Has complete control over the earth and heavens.
– Has a buff that gives her super armor, only taking 20% from the original damage received.
– Able to will Catastrophic Earthquakes and destroy entire prop servers (and maybe your PC).

Youmu’s Unique Features:
– Mainly a CQC Fighter, she’s extremely dangerous up close and personal.
– With her Half-Phantom in tow, it can support her in several ways during battle.
– Her Half-Phantom will occasionally change its appearance to help in Melee.



This Addon is quite performance heavy once three or more Touhou SNPCs fight at the same time!
Be wary, it might crash your game if your specs are too low to handle their power.

– Anything that has to do with rewriting props
– Anything that happens to rewrite base npc animations
– Any type of Dismemberment Addon

The Addon will work perfectly by its own, but if an error pops up, another addon is making things difficult for them.
If so, do tell if you stumble upon any problems with the pack.


Credits :

= ZUN :
Creator, Programmer, Musician, and The Sole Indie Developer & Owner of Touhou Project.

= Dr. Vrej :
Dev Programmer & Owner of VJ Base.

= SlenderJuggy :
Creator, Programmer, Scripter, Shower Thoughts and Concepts turned into Fruition.

= VJ Dev Community :
Full-On Support for the Project (Including Ivan the Space Biker, Cpt.Hazama, Lightning Bolt, Dr.Vrej, and many others including Sherkbui10, Comfycrons, BigMac1923, etc etc.)

= TH 12.3 Hisoutensoku :
Sound Effects, Voices, and Attacks.

= Models & Textures :
Schwarz (For Creating the Model), 天頂乌(For Importing the Model to Gmod), Xaxadiro (Reimu’s Gohei), Oxide (Touhou Bullets & Items), and more.

= Effects :
Bombobux (Placeable Effects), Slasher (Majority of other On-Screen Effects).

Disclaimer: I do not own anything except the Code. All credits goes to their respective authors.


Tags: Fireworks, Touhou, Touhou Project, Gensokyo, NPC, Fireworks, Demons, Fireworks Demons, SNPC, Advanced SNPC, Fun, Advanced NPC, Roleplay, Youkai, Fantasy, Overpowered, Ultra-Instinct, Powerful, This is not Anime in any way, 2hu.