☣ Jacksepticeye Virus ☣

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Author: AngelboyVR

Last revision: 24 Dec, 2015 at 21:31 UTC

File size: 524.29 KB

On Steam Workshop


Wellcome to the ☣ Jacksepticeye Virus ☣ scenario by xXAngelboyXx

>>> Added new traits updated grammar and added 4 eastereggs into the trait sections, have fun finding them 😉

Once there was a Youtuber with the idea to take over the world and call it Bossatronia. he started with the first phase: to become famous on the Internet, and to bring a lot of people onto his side. but that’s not it. he will engage the ultimate Step, once everyone becomes
… septic.

This Scenario is made in Honor of a great Youtuber, Jacksepticeye.
Hey, jack, i hope youre plaing this, just wanted to say, that youre one of the, if not, THE best Youtuber on Earth, hope you like this Scenario, love your Videos.

this Scenario is advanced and includes a lot of Jacksepticeye references, it is fairly easy, so you can just play it and have fun messing arround. its not ridiculous but fairly realistic in terms of reward, difficulty and the general gameplay. completely
custom images, custom traits, custom descriptions, and much more.
wishing for a lot of people playing it, share it with others, JUST DO IT!!!
do it for jack :3

feel free to rate this sceario, any feedback is apreciated :3

as of further, have fun, ceeyah ingame.

First Youtube Channel: https:// /www.youtube.com/user/TiTanAEfull
Second Youtube Channel: https:// /www.youtube.com/channel/UCmRogjd_ANfLj403fPYIj3g
Minecraft forums projects: http://www.minecraftforum.net/members/THAREAL_Alexandrowich/threads
Yoyogames forums project: http://gmc.yoyogames.com/index.php?showtopic=676789&st=0&p=4879102