Unit Caps for All [Updated for patch 1.12.1]

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Author: Vacuity

Last revision: 8 Aug, 2022 at 09:11 UTC (3)

File size: 832.51 KB

On Steam Workshop

If you find errors, typos, or other problems, I’ll get them fixed, but active development is done. Look forward to the mod’s return in game 3!

News here.

"Games are a series of interesting decisions" – Sid Meier


Too much writing below?
Okay, I’ve gotcha! This adds Tomb Kings-like unit caps to every faction. Got it?

Long Version:

How often in a campaign have you thought to yourself "Should I recruit Silver Helms with shields or without shields?", "Should I recruit regular warhounds or poison warhounds?", or "Should I recruit Chaos Knights or Marauder Horsemen?"

I’m guessing the answer is you’ve never asked yourself these questions. Armies are always filled with the best units you can both build and afford. When there’s a choice between units of the same type, but different capabilities, like shielded and unshielded versions, armoured or unarmoured archers, units with regular attacks or poison attacks, or even just tier 1 melee cavalry versus tier 4 melee cavalry, players will always choose the best option available, and they have to because the AI will also choose the best options available. By the midpoint of your campaign, doomstacks are the norm all across the campaign map.

This mod changes that.

Using a unit cap system with similarities to the Tomb Kings, the recruitment capacity of all factions for most units is now limited by the military buildings that have been built. Build a stables and increase your unit cap for the units it produces. This unit cap is on a per-unit basis, not by class, so both you and the AI will be forced to use "lesser" versions of units to fill up your stacks with the cavalry, infantry, or other unit types you need. If you have questions about the design or balance, ask in the comments, or in the balance discussion thread.

What this mod does:
  • Imposes unit caps on ~350 unit types across every faction in the game (both AI and player) (except for the Tomb Kings, for obvious reasons).
  • Every faction has access to one to three basic unit types with no unit cap.
  • Details of the cap system can be seen here, but generally come from four sources: a base cap for units ≤950 recruitment cost; a bonus cap from legendary lords; bonus caps from special buildings, and caps from recruitment buildings. Over the course of a campaign, the cap from recruitment buildings typically far outweighs all the others.
  • Army composition is much, much more varied. Making one doomstack of all-elite units requires a very significant investment in military infrastructure. Making one doomstack of one unit type (Star Dragons, Mammoths, Sisters of Avelorn) requires a large investment in infrastructure. Even if you do make that one doomstack, your other stacks will by necessity be full of other, "lesser" units.
  • As a result of the increased investment in military infrastructure required, it is possible to build far fewer economic buildings, thus reducing the runaway economies prevalent from the midgame onwards.

How you can help:
  • This mod makes extensive changes to game balance, contains thousands of table entries and is made by one person. There will be bugs. There will be balance issues. Polite and descriptive feedback is exceedingly welcome.
  • Bug reports will be addressed as a high priority for fixing and releasing. Try to give me as much information on the problem as possible so I can find the problem with a minumum of time and effort.
  • Typos will be addressed as a medium priority for fixing.
  • Balancing suggestions will be treated as lower priority. Explain to me what you believe needs changed, and why it should be changed. Persuade me. The spreadsheet I use for calculating caps can be viewed here.[docs.google.com]


This mod is definitely incompatible with overhauls like SFO and Radious, and probably doesn’t play well with other unit cap mods. It may be incompatible with other stuff too: let me know if you find more.


This mod makes massive balance changes to every faction of every race. I just don’t have time to test all 50+ factions in full myself and still have a chance to release the mod before the third game comes out. I need your help to make this mod better.


There is a substantial, and growing, collection of submods applying this mod’s cap system to other mods as appropriate. You can view the whole collection here: https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=1963167788

  • I see unit cap increases for Black Ark Corsairs in my ports, but I’m not playing a Dark Elf faction. Is this a mistake? OR more generally I see unit cap increases for units I cannot recruit as my faction. Why? Due to the way the unit cap gets applied, I’ve no way to make those unit caps specific to factions or races, only to buildings. Factions and races that share buildings, such as ports, barracks, will all see the cap increase messages that apply to that building. Basically, every faction that uses the regular Port building chain sees the Black Ark Corsair cap message even though they cannot recruit Corsairs, and so on. If you know a way to solve this, please talk to me.
  • Does this mod affect the AI? Yes, the AI works under the same system as the player. Although the AI as a whole copes pretty well, work is being done to improve the AI’s behaviour with regards to army recruitment generally.
  • How is this mod different from Mod X? My mod adds a specific cap for each specific unit with the same system as the Tomb Kings. Building and upgrading recruitment buildings adds to your faction’s cap for the relevant units.
    • Grimhammer adds unit caps based on unit class, such as all Silver Helms, or all dragons. As a result the player is still discouraged from recruiting "lesser" versions of units. Grimhammer also changes huge portions of the game, while my mod makes minimal changes to get the desired result.
    • Table Top Caps assigns rarity to units, so you can only have so many units of one category on a PER ARMY basis. Once you have built a single recruitment building for a given unit, you can build as many of that unit as you wish, just never more than the maximum of 10 of any special units and 5 of any rare units in each army.
    • Unit Rarity – Core, Special, Rare and Masters of the Black Book – Dynamic Unit Limits both have very similar mechanics, however my mod makes heavy use of landmark buildings (look at some of the pictures I’ve uploaded), and has a bit of a different way of allowing the Wood Elves to raise their unit caps: with the regular Wood Elf military buildings, the Oak of Ages, Landmarks, Captured Minor and Major settlements, and also Faction capitals all doing different things. Also, the numbers we’re using are rather different (mine is currently a bit more generous with the cap limits), so the balance between military and economy works out differently.
  • Why should I use your mod and not one of the others listed above? There’s one big reason: compatibility with quality mods that add new units. I’ve made lots of submods, and have more planned out. I think this is a rather major point in my favour, but there’s no other particular reason for picking mine other than if it has the features, design and balance that appeals to you. They’re all different to a greater or lesser degree. If you choose to use one of the other cap mods, that’s OK!

Old revisions of this mod are available below. Click the link to download.