Skaven lords new skills pack Updated

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Author: teos_the_blue

Last revision: 23 Jul, 2020 at 23:28 UTC

File size: 633.86 KB

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Updated Added Snikch skill

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New skills for LL skaven :

Ikit Claw 6 New skills 1 passive

Ikit DeathFrenzy — Upgraded version of frenzy ** may kill some of your own units after the buff**
Detonate Warpstone — Emergency escape high damage high cost
Replica Doomsphere — Mini doomrocket
Warpstone Injector Overlord — in case of melee emergency
WarpBombs Fire — Spammable dmg spell
Warp Thunderstorm — Big aoe bombardment

Field manteinance : Passive work outside melee if moving ability deactivate

Skrolk 3 new skills
Liber Bubonicus Chapter 1: Breath of Pestilence — upgraded breath
Liber Bubonicus Chapter 3 : Transfer the Infection — High DMG poison AOE hex have 3 phases 1 low dmg 2 higher damage 3 LL killing damage duration 60 + 60 + 60
Liber Bubonicus Chapter 2 : Incurable Poison — 5 min lasting poison low dmg

DeathMaster Snikch 5 new skills

Chief Assasin of Clan Eshin — Self buff Passive Start in Melee combat 90 sec
Planning Assasination — Self Buff passive start out of melee 90 sec
Band of power — Self buff Huge DMG boost low duration
First Aid — Self buff passive out of melee combat
Sprint — self buff boost speed and acceleration drain vigour

Rest of lords is currently under testing

Compatibility : Should be compatible with most Mods since i made custom lores
SFO tested.

Special thanks :
Cryswar – helped me figure out how to use phase effects and for the amazing guides he pubblished
C&C Modding Discord[] Modding Den they helped me with my Newbie questions

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Thanks for reading Have fun