Kraka Drak, the Dragon Hold [2.0]

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Authors: Maruka, Frodo45127, Zoidberg

Last revision: 19 Jun, 2018 at 14:28 UTC

File size: 13.77 MB

On Steam Workshop

The Disclaimer

This map is a TW:W2 version of my TW:W1 map "Kraka Drak, the Dragon Hold". If you have played it in TW:W1, it’s the same map but with a couple details more and a different lightning. If not, keep reading. Also, this version requires the GCCM2: Custom Assets mod, so download that one too.

The Lore

Kraka Drak, also know as the Dragon Hold is the largest and wealthiest of the Norse Dwarfholds. Kraka Drak sits on the largest iron, silver, and sapphire deposits in Norsca. The nearby coast is also blessed with an abundance of amber. The small harbour at Sjoktraken on Draksfjord gives easy access to the Sea of Claws via Ungruvalk.

The Map

Kraka Drak, the Dragon Hold it’s a medium-big dwarf siege map, located in the Gianthome Mountains, in Norsca. It’s a dwarfen construction with norscan touches, showing the influence this land has had in them. In this unforgiving land, very few constructions can be found in the exterior, and most of them are dedicated to the defense of the main entrance to the Karak. The hold it’s protected by two main walls, one long in the north with a double-protected entrance and another, more accesible but shorter in the east. This map can be approached from multiple directions:

  • From the north: the land between the starting area and the walls is a long ramp between ravines and cliffs. Luckily for the attacker, the defensive towers are manned by drunken dwarfs and rarely hit anything. But sometimes a siege tower is hard to miss…. Also, there is a "2-level layout" behind the northern wall. The first level can be accesed directly from the ground, but to access the second level you need to reach one of his four entrances, two deep inside the fort, two on the extremes of the northern wall.
  • From the west: another ramp with multiple cliffs in it. It’s shorter, less expose and more safe in general but after that, the attacker needs to pass through two easely fortificable access to be able to access to the streets of the hold.

Also, this map has three easely fortificable capture points (sorry, but you can’t hold the safest hill and win). Lose two of them and you lose. They are located in the Beacon Hill, the Lava hill, and the entrance to the Great Drawbridge.

On top of that, as these Norse Dwarfs have been isolated in the north since so much time ago, they have advanced in a different way than their southern counterparts. Instead of fancy and explosive cannons, they equipt their towers with the most powerful rapid-firing balistas they managed to create. And they put three in every tower. And the bolts they shoot are burning. But their love for alcohol has made these towers quite innacurate.

And, if that’s not enough, in this cold land they have fortified their main gates with something that can only be dangerous here: Water. In this snowy landscape, a cold shower from their Frostbite Gates and slowly kill even the stronger men.

How to play

You can play this map in two modes:

  • Land battle: Select the map from the "Land Battle" maps in custom battle. Easier to play in multiplayer, but you will not have siege equipement and the capture points do nothing.
  • Siege battle: Select the map from the "Siege Battle" maps in custom battle (It’s called "Kraka Drak, the Dragon Hold", with a CA logo). A bit harder to play it in multiplayer because the other guys need to download the map first, but you can use siege equipement and the capture points work.

  • Wait…. Are those flamecannons over the wall?: Yep. You can put cannons over the walls in the upper level of the 2 level layout and over the east side wall. It’s a bit hard to do it, but it’s possible. Also, you can move any arty, cavalry or monster there too.

The Credits
  • Frodo45127: I did most of the map.
  • Maruka: He did some custom decals, as well as different details around the fortress.
  • Zoidberg: He did some of the custom buildings you can see in the map.


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GCCM2: Custom AssetsSteam Workshop