Meld For Long War of the Chosen

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Author: Kiruka

Last revision: 31 Jan, 2023 at 23:57 UTC (1)

File size: 498.69 KB

On Steam Workshop


Hey, remember Meld from Enemy Within? Good times, right?

Well, it’s back! Sort of. This mod adds Meld (specifically, "Crystallized Meld") into the LWOTC + Mod Jam environment, where it is used for both Gene Mods and MEC Troopers. Gene Mods’ costs are adjusted in this mod, while MEC Troopers’ costs are handled via my MEC Troopers For LWOTC mod. If you don’t have Gene Mods or MEC Troopers, this mod doesn’t do anything but dilute your drop tables with a resource you won’t be able to do anything with but sell on the Black Market (and you won’t get much for it), so maybe pick up one or both of them.

As of the release of this mod, there has been zero playtesting, so I could definitely use some feedback from Mod Jam players regarding the economy balance. Or, you know, horrible bugs.

So, how does one get some Meld?

– All Full Salvage mission types in LWOTC (including Gatecrasher), in addition to Supply Extraction and Smash N Grab, can drop Meld. Gatecrasher drops 10 Meld to get you started, and values from the other missions are roughly equal to Alien Alloy or Elerium Dust numbers you would see there. There will still be RNG involved in terms of the exact values, but much like the class resources, the amounts you get from missions will increase as you get deeper into your campaign.

– All alien units, as well as Sectopods, have a 30% chance to drop 10 Meld instead of 1 Elerium Core via any of their timed loot drops that contain an Elerium Core. This also affects the extra drops you get from Vulture.

Meld does NOT appear in the Black Market, Points Of Interest, or non-timed enemy loot drops (i.e. corpses).

All of this is open to config. Exact values and chances can be viewed/changed in this mod’s XComGameCore.ini file.


– Yes, LWOTC is required. Maybe you can get it working without, but I won’t be helping you with that.

– Yes, Mod Jam is required. Mod Jam still contains most of the Gene Mods configs as well as more Gene Mods that aren’t found elsewhere. If you wanted to, you could pillage its Gene Mods configs for your own customized setup, but again, I won’t be helping you with that.


– Not so much a conflict, as this is intended, but if you want to change the costs of Gene Mods (JUST costs, not requirements or time to completion etc.), you must do so through THIS mod’s XComGameData.ini, not the one in Mod Jam or Gene Mods itself, due to load order shenanigans. This is how it had to be done in order to replace the Supplies cost of Gene Mods altogether with Meld.


– MrCloista and RustyDios for the the Psionics Ex Machina Mod, where Meld in the XCOM 2 setting originated.
– RustyDios again for giving me the starting code for this mod and for always helping me out with my questions.
– NelVlesis for making the Crystallized Meld resource asset.
– Illogical for coming up with some baseline economy values and all the playtesting that will inevitably happen.

Let me know if you don’t see your name in the credits and think you should be there, and I’ll fix it right up.

Required DLC:

These DLC should be installed in order to use this item.

XCOM 2: War of the Chosen
Required items:

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Mod Jam for Long War of the ChosenSteam Workshop
Long War of the ChosenSteam Workshop

Old revisions of this mod are available below. Click the link to download.