Reflex Stocks For LWOTC

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Author: Kiruka

Last revision: 21 Dec, 2021 at 19:06 UTC

File size: 82.94 KB

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It recently occurred to me that there were some unused abilities lying around in Long War Of The Chosen’s code, from a bunch of versions prior. It also occurred to me that I had a Heavy Barrels For LWOTC mod lying around that already contained all the code I would need to make this mod work, only requiring some name, image location and Localization swaps.

So, what the heck is a "Reflex Stock"?

Way back in LWOTC version…something, Steady Weapon was not attached to Stocks; it was an ability that soldiers just always had access to. During this time, Stocks had a different function. I’ve brought this function back via this mod in the form of the Reflex Stock, which is a separate attachment from the standard Stock. I figure, why not have both versions available?

Attaching a Reflex Stock to a weapon will grant a 25%/30%/35% chance (for Basic/Advanced/Superior) to turn a missed shot from that weapon into a graze. Reflex Stocks cannot be equipped together with standard Stocks, but other than that can go on any weapon that a standard Stock can.

The config options relating to drop chance/tables can be found in this mod’s XComReflexStocks.ini. If you want to edit the success rate of a Reflex Stock turning a miss into a graze, you can do so via LWOTC’s XComLW_Overhaul.ini; look for the STOCK_BSC_SUCCESS_CHANCE, STOCK_ADV_SUCCESS_CHANCE, and STOCK_SUP_SUCCESS_CHANCE lines and change the numbers to whatever you like.

The closest things to an actual gun that I own are a recurve bow and a pellet rifle, so don’t bother trying to tell me that there’s no such thing as a "reflex stock". There is in Fallout 4 and that’s good enough for me.


Long War Of The Chosen[] is the only requirement here. It is a hard requirement, as that is where the abilities live that actually make the Reflex Stocks do something.


– SolarNougat and Iridar for writing most of the code that’s used here.
– The LWOTC devs for leaving these Stock abilities lying around for me to scavenge.

If you don’t see your name in the credits and think you should be there, let me know.

Required DLC:

These DLC should be installed in order to use this item.

XCOM 2: War of the Chosen