[SP/MP]Dynamic Universal War System

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Author: kibot

Last revision: 10 Jan, 2014 at 19:11 UTC

File size: 3.48 MB

On Steam Workshop


The DUWS proceduraly generates a mini campaign, with all the enemy zones to capture being randomly generated. Or you can also choose to manually place your HQ and the enemy, and easily make your own unique campaign. The key here is to have maximum replayability, where the player can setup his own campaign or let the DUWS create everything randomly for him. You can play with the DUWS on any island you want, you just have to rename the .pbo file.

You can play the DUWS on any island you want, all you have to do is to rename the mission file, more info below.


*Play the way you want:
-Play as a lone wolf or as a SF team, using support assets and gadgets and perform side missions
-Control your personnal squad of troopers and fight against the OPFOR
-Control several squads, vehicles and supports and try to retake the island from the enemy
-…or a mix of all of them
*Persistent player stats througout the campaigns/missions, allowing the player to play a multi island driven campaign
*Unlock abilities throughout the campaigns as you gain experience (persistent)
*Pretty much every location is randomly generated on the map, from the HQ to the enemy zones and side mission locations.
*Random side missions, with names randomly generated
*Play the DUWS on any island you want to.
*VAS by Tonic (Armory)
*Several support options to unlock (UAV, Arty, Personnal FLIR, VAS, …)
*You can define the HQ and/or the enemy zones, or just the HQ and let the DUWS generate the zones automatically. You can also let the DUWS create everything by itself. Basicly you decide the level of randomization there is.
*WARCOM(War Commander) system. BLUFOR forces will try to capture the island, war escalates as the campaign progress.
*Dynamic weather. At the start of the campaign, you may choose the type of weather (mediterranean, temperate, tropical, arid…). The weather will then be randomly generated according to these parameters.
*Full support of the High Command module

More info on:

1)get the .pbo from the first page of the topic (see link above)
2)put the .pbo in the ‘missions’ folder of arma3
3)rename the .pbo
example: SP_DUWS05b.stratis.pbo >> to SP_DUWS05b.chernarus.pbo
other examples: SP_DUWS05b.zargabad.pbo – SP_DUWS05b.takistan.pbo

Also, use the ‘dev’ .pbo, since High Command is now included in the normal version of ArmA3.

This mission can be played in coop. Regarding the nature of the DUWS, it must be run on a listen server. Does not work on a dedicated server. I suggest adding a password to your game, so only friends can join and no random guy will be able to trash your game.

If you have any question, make sure you read the ingame manual beforehand. You can access it in the map menu, on the tab DUWS manual.