The Collapse of the Ming – Chinese Event pack & Bookmark

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Authors: Elzephor, Thrawn, Eklipse, Zephyrum, Ze Great Kaiser

Last revision: 7 Sep, 2018 at 01:01 UTC

File size: 332.8 KB

On Steam Workshop


Currently at version 1.26 (updated).

Direct Download (Paradox Interactive Forums)[]

DISCLAIMER: I cannot write or understand Chinese at all; if you have any questions or bugs, please try to use English when possible!


The Ming, a massive juggernaut of an empire that hardly falls without a (skilled) player’s intervention. In the past, it’s large territories were just barely held together by a crumbling base, and oftentimes we’d see a "mingsplosion", in which many chinese minors would have their cores turned into revolts, resulting, ultimately, in a divided China.

This mod tries to bring back that feeling while keeping the Mandate mechanics, and expanding it so that the minors are not stopped by lack of points or large hugboxes. It makes the Mandate easier to lose, and increase it’s effect – high mandate makes you stronger, while low mandate makes you completely worthless. To top it off, the Ming start having large scale unrest under 50 mandate, and revolter tags might start popping, triggering a large event chain. In other words, this mod facilitates a mingsplosion, and is triggered when it happens.

Alongside it, a new bookmark for people who simply want the Ming to go away from the start is added. To make it more fun, every minor has unique national ideas, and some cores were moved around for border gore control.

List of features:
♦Mandate gain & loss slightly changed – it’s harder to keep your mandate up, and reforms are risky to pass. However, high mandate brings larger boosts! But if your mandate tanks…
♦A series of events, triggered upon a Mingsplosion, to make the minors’ game a lot more interesting! Will Yan survive the manchurian invasion? Can the Yue expand into Vietnam? Will the middle kingdom be restored by Wu?
♦A bookmark, following an alternative history in which the Ming completely lost their grasp of the provinces, and the minors are free to do as they please!
♦A decision to restore the Empire of China after it’s destruction! You’ll have to be rather big, and own many historical centers, though. Are you up to the task?
♦Around twenty new sets of National Ideas for the new minor nations, including a change to the Ming’s!
♦A new releasable country, Liao – a sinicized warring state, fighting for control like all the others, but ethnically Manchurian!
♦Manchu is back to the Chinese culture group. Will the Aisin Gioro clan rise into emperorship in this timeline?
♦Modifiers and events to ensure the minors and their neighbors are always clashing, for land and glory!


Elzephor: Creation of the original mod and idea
Zephyrum & Thrawn: Main coders/modders
Eklipse: One-man localisation team who wrote many of the national ideas
Yu-Ren Pan: Friendly neighborhood source & comment translator
Ze Great Kaiser: German localisation
And everyone else who, at a point, gave feedback, answered my annoying forum questions and playtested; Rem, Xyloz, RealBoyPlz, Khee-Khoo, Mecovy and others.

Compatibility alerts!

This mod is NOT Ironman-friendly. It alters the checksum.

It is also sadly not compatible with the vast majority of content-altering mods, due to the sheer size of the edits, including but not limited to Extended Timeline and MEIOU & Taxes.

I’d heavily recommend you use this mod solely with visual and sound mods, albeit it might be compatible with minor mods that do NOT affect China region’s provinces or national ideas.

This mod is built with Mandate of Heaven in mind, so most mechanics likely will NOT work without it. To prevent this, it was made so you need the DLC to subscribe to the mod and download it normally. If you want to try it (albeit I wouldn’t recommend it), you can use the Steam Workshop Downloader to use it even without the DLC, though we can’t offer support for that. We’re sorry.

Please leave a rating and feedback in the comments section, as well as suggestions for improvement!

Required DLC:

These DLC should be installed in order to use this item.

Europa Universalis IV: Mandate of Heaven