The Anime Sea (Overhaul) (Beta)

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Author: Lunar Magister

Last revision: 26 Aug, 2018 at 10:37 UTC

File size: 634.88 KB

On Steam Workshop


Ever play For the glory of your waifu and be dissapointed it was just a flag change? (Credit to original owner for the flags.) Wish it was an entire scenario, complete with new nations, religions, and religious mechanics? Look no more!

The anime sea gets rid of all nations and replaces them with 20 anime ones in the black sea. I took great effort to make sure this mod requires no DLC, so I hope everyone can enjoy it.

I was greatly inspired by the gameplay of Shattered Europa, and that sort of equal start applies here, but there are things that set the nations apart. This mod makes for a good quick game where you can hopefully conquer (or at least dominate) the world in 50 years if you are a pro, and 100 if you are not. Aggressive expansion might be a bit harsh if you expand too much, but there are other ways of gaining power. Building is cheaper, and so is development, so if coalitions become a problem, consider declaring wars for only ducats or show strength, which you can then spend to grow tall and eventually overcome even coalitions!

There are two mechanics that use prestige and army tradition respectively in order to grant you passive bonuses. The AI will do these as well. These are a great way to expand you power base when you can’t expand as easily as you would like. Also, your legitimacy will gradually decay, so you have to take the prestige decisions to increae your legitimacy gain enough to stop or even eventually overcome the penalty.

Some additional information:

There are two religious groups, Western and Eastern Waifuism. Then they are broken down into sects, North and South. Each sect has five countries, and each country has something special about them within their sect.

-One will have a trade center
-One will have a Holy site, granting missionary strength
-One will have a monument, granting prestige.
-One will start with a gold mine, but start at tech 2 to balance it. (Tech cost is the same.}
-The last one will have a massive discipline bonus, but start at tech 1. A late bloomer. (Also same tech cost.)

Furthermore, each sect can spend 50 of a monarch category to gain a 3600 day bonus unique to that category and sect.

I intend to further expand religious mechanics as I listen to feedback.

Speaking of feedback, I need national idea suggestions for the countries, which I will seek to update as soon as possible.

I would also like to add events in the future, and to add to the mod in general in accordance with feedback and my capabilities.

(The land area that sandwiches the countries between itself and the sea are all wastelands, by the way. This stops military access from being meaningless.)

If you have a slow computer, this is THE mod for you. The game runs extremely quickly since there are only 20 countries, in spite of the triggered modifiers.

See the change notes for info on each update.
This mod should even be compatible with further updates that change the map.