Đuro Đaković housing settlement Sarajevo

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Author: equinox.nova

Last revision: 8 Dec, 2021 at 20:48 UTC

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On Steam Workshop




Paket sadrži:
-tri različite zgrade za ravni teren i jednu za padinski teren
-četiri veličine ukrasnog trga

Stambeno naselje „Đuro Đaković – Ciglane“ bilo je primjer moderne stambene izgradnje u Socijalističkoj Federativnoj Republici Jugoslaviji. Ovo stambeno naselje izgrađeno je na lokaciji koja je vrlo specifična u kulturnoj historiografiji grada: na ovoj lokaciji je građevinski poduzetnik August Braun 1879. godine izgradio prvu ciglanu za potrebe arhitektonsko-urbanističkog razvoja modernog Sarajeva odakle potiče porijeklo imena ovog naselja Ciglane (njemački: der Ziegel). Nakon Drugog svjetskog rata, kada je lokacija već bila gotovo potpuno iscrpljena, grupa arhitekata iz Urbanističkog zavoda Sarajevo je 1966. godine predložila ideju izgradnje stambenog naselja na obroncima nekadašnjeg rudnika. Stambeni blokovi su izgrađeni od cigle i postavljeni u kaskadama u znak sjećanja na prethodnu namjenu lokacije. Šezdesete su bile period istraživanja novih urbanih vizija. Arhitekti Radovan Delalle i Namik Muftić ovih su godina razvili svoj koncept “urbarhitekture” – specifične mega strukture koja je dizajnirana prema mjestu, vremenu i ljudima za koje je građena. Umjesto izolovanih objekata moderne arhitekture naglašavali su interesovanje za
kontinuitet urbanih formi. Razmišljanje o budućim korisnicima i njihovom učešću u konačnom dizajnu reflektuje duh temeljnih vrijednosti samoupravnog socijalizma bivše Jugoslavije.


The package contains:
-three different buildings for flat terrain and one for sloping terrain
-four sizes of decorative square

The housing settlement “Đuro Đaković – Ciglane” was an example of modern housing construction in the, at that time young, socialist state of Yugoslavia. This housing settlement was built on the location that is very specific in the cultural historiography of the city: in this location, the construction entrepreneur August Braun built the first brick production manufacture for the needs of architectural-urbanistic development of modern Sarajevo in 1879. Hence the origin of the name of this settlement Ciglane (German: der Ziegel). After the Second World War, when the site was already almost completely exhausted, a group of architects from the Urban Planning Institute Sarajevo proposed in 1966 the idea of building a residential settlement on the slopes of the former mine. The housing blocks were built out of bricks and laid in cascades in memory of the previous purpose of the site. The Sixties were a period of exploring new urban visions. Architects Radovan Delalle and Namik Muftić, had developed in these years theirs concept of “urbarchitecture” – a specific mega structure that is designed according to the place, time and people for whom it was being built. Instead of isolated objects of modern architecture they emphasized the interest in
the continuity of urban forms. Thinking about the future users and their participation in final design reflected the spirit of the fundamental values of self-managing socialism of the former Yugoslavia.

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