Timestop Extension v2

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Author: Zooi

Last revision: 18 Sep, 2022 at 00:42 UTC

File size: 17.08 MB

On Steam Workshop

any mod that changes saturation will conflict if you timestop and use said mod at the same time.


this is a bit more based on JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure than slap battles at this point, but whatever

timestop extension for gods hand 2.
you can toggle a randomized color filter in the options as well as star platinum sounds among other things.

"Z" = Stop time itself, no limit to how many seconds time can be frozen, tiny cooldown
"E" = Whilst looking at an object, holding this will temporarily unfreeze whatever you’re looking at, no cooldown
keybinds can be changed in the options if you’d like

optional star-platinum sounds are also available in the options
subtitles are still available in the options, same as timestop ext v1
fov jump when stopping time is in the options too
i’d recommend not using this for the campaign as it can literally stop the alarm in time so its pretty busted
to compensate for not being able to stop bullets, rockets, fire, etc. whilst time is stopped, you are given infinite health

list of things that dont work:
stopping particles, explosions, bullets, rockets, things that force themselves dynamic after timestopping, robots from firing
some things move even whilst time is literally stopped
robots can still shoot you
fire still burns voxels
effects will conflict with any mod or thing that changes either saturation or the colorbalance
if you are in a vehicle whilst time is stopped then you wont be able to move your vehicle
too many if statements but it doesn’t work else so rip
and many more probably..

update notes moved to a discussion

current timestop effect durations are: dio’s = 1.75, jojo’s = 2, dio’s last = 2.5, tw:gh = 1.75 (same as default)
tell me if theres any issues like time not stopping or whatever