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Authors: Robot, Inv3rted

Last revision: 29 Sep, 2022 at 06:13 UTC

File size: 2.32 MB

On Steam Workshop

Reuniclus, the Mindbending Brawler from Unova, makes their way into the world of Aether!

Reuniclus is a (mostly) pure zoner who relies on keeping their opponents at a distance with large, disjointed normals and numerous projectiles. Keep your opponent on your toes with Focus Blast and Psyshock, and punish them for being reckless with a Dizzy Punch or a Shadow Ball.

Special Moves

Neutral Special: Future Sight
Reuniclus lays down a chargeable trap that can either be left alone or remotely detonated. When activated, it brings the opponent in if they’re in range, and explodes, sending them flying. Use this move as a kill setup, as stage control, or use the fully charged version to score a kill.

Forward Special: Focus Blast
Reuniclus charges up a ball of energy, before hurling it at the opponent. The non charged version can be used as a combo tool, while the fully charged version can be used as a kill move or a general zoning tool.

Up Special: Stored Power
Reuniclus launches themselves in one of eight directions, leaving behind a powerful projectile. This move can be used to recover, or as a surprise kill move.

Down Special: Psyshock
Reuniclus spawns a crystalline projectile that briefly homes in on the opponent before launching itself. Use it as a kill setup, or as a form of stage control.


Special Thanks goes out to-

Robot: -for coding pretty much all of the complicated parts of this character. Thank you for sticking around, even when I decided to pretty much overhaul this character’s design. I really appreciate your help.
Ghostabo and b00: -for reaching out to me when I initially asked for help on this character. I know most of what you guys contributed didn’t end up on the final product when I decided to change everything, and I apologize for that. I’m still glad you guys were willing to help me with them.
McDucky: -for additional coding assistance.
Hyuponia: -for doing the font for the preview image.
ArtistofSeer: -for providing me with the Astral Birth alt on Reuniclus.
TGP: -for giving me and Robot valuable feedback during beta.

Hope you enjoy the character, and have a nice day!