Howzit (Super Paper Mario)

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Author: Super Isaiah

Last revision: 4 Oct, 2022 at 04:00 UTC

File size: 1.18 MB

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Howzit, the upbeat shopkeep, has joined the battle!

Sell items to your opponent using the Strong attacks to get coins! (In return, your opponent will be buffed.) The longer you charge your strong, the more your opponent pays for the item!

Buy items with your coins you earned with your hard work using the down special to put them in your inventory! You can hold up to 4 items in your inventory, and you will always use the most recent bought item first. To find out what each item does, go into practice mode and press taunt while holding that item – or just find out on your own.

You can tip your hat by pressing up and taunt, or you can talk to your opponent by pressing taunt! Howzit already has some compatibility programmed in, but if you want to make it so he says something specific to your character, add this in your characters update.gml or init.gml (with update you can have it change depending on different attributes like how high damage you are or how many times he’s taunted or whatnot, so I usuallly put it there.):

howzitisthebestshopowner123 = true //activates the compatibility howzittaunttextarr[0] = "I am talking to you right now!" //These are the texts. Test these in game to make sure they don’t clip out of the text box. howzitautoforward[0] = 0 //This needs to have the same array count as the one above. setting this to zero means the text will wait for you to press taunt again to continue, while setting it to any number will have it wait that number of frames before automatically continuing. Typically good to set this to a variable if your last message was cut off mid sentence. howzittaunttextarr[1] = "Now I am saying a second thing!" howzitautoforward[1] = 0 howzittaunttextarr[2] = "I end my conversation with a third thing!!!" howzitautoforward[2] = 0 //You can have these continue on and on however long you want by just continuing to increase the number in the brackets. howzithasnotso = true //THIS ENABLES TEXT THAT WILL SPECIFICALLY PLAY IF HOWZIT HAS THE NOTSO SKIN, REMEMBER TO SET TO FALSE IF YOU DON’T WANT THAT! notsotaunttextarr[0] = "This text box is not so bad…" notsoautoforward[0] = 0 notsotaunttextarr[1] = "But I digress." notsoautoforward[1] = 0 notsotaunttextarr[2] = "Third notso thing to say." notsoautoforward[2] = 0