North Korea DPRK Juche Pilars(by mthibau)

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Authors: hurtosera, mthibau

Last revision: 14 Aug, 2020 at 02:05 UTC

File size: 9.26 MB

On Steam Workshop



This is the Twelfth released item of the North Korea DPRK collection and it consists of a monument to the Pilar of Juche and the foundation of the Juche Party of Korea.

This gives Loyalty to the citizens.

The Monument to Party Founding (Korean: 당창건기념탑; MR: Tangch’anggŏnkinyŏmt’ap) is a monument in Pyongyang, the capital of North Korea. The monument is rich in symbolism: the hammer, sickle and calligraphy brush symbolize the workers, farmers and intellectuals. The element is 50 meters high to symbolize the 50-year anniversary of the founding of the Workers’ Party of Korea. The number of slabs comprising the belt around the monument and its diameter stand for the date of birth of Kim Jong-il. The inscription on the outer belt says "Long live the leader and organizer of the victories of the people of Korea, the Worker’s Party of Korea!" On the inside of the belt are three bronze reliefs with their distinct meanings: the historical root of the party, the unity of people under the party and the party’s vision for a progressive future. Two red flag-shaped buildings with letters forming the words "ever-victorious" surround the monument.

The monument, designed by Mansudae Art Studio, was completed on 10 October 1995, on the 50th anniversary of the foundation of the Workers’ Party of Korea. A previous monument dedicated to the foundation had been erected on 10 October 1975 on the grounds of the Party Founding Museum.

The Monument to Party Founding has appeared on postage stamps in 1995 and 2005 and on the 50 won banknote.

Special Thanks to Comrade Hurtosera for modeling credits.

Thanks a lot to Comrade Ryan, OffRails, Fox, Sky, Ljubic and MTandi. More itens coming soon.