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Authors: PANDABOMB, Artist of Seer, DeltaParallax

Last revision: 9 Jun, 2022 at 20:44 UTC

File size: 1.28 MB

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The Golden Fool

Originally posted by Seeds of Aether:

A unearthly turquoise light bloomed over the the quiet outskirts of Fire Capital as a strange portal appeared overhead. A large man plummeted out and crashed to the ground creating a burst of dust in his wake before the portal sealed itself. The man, garbed in dark baggy clothes, arms bandaged from the forearm down to his palms, picked himself up in a daze, not quite sure where he had ended up.

Donyoku, a man with a shark toothed grin and gruff temperament, scanned the general surroundings he found himself in, as if looking for someone important

"Delta?" He called out in a panic. Only the sound of howling winds answered back, with no sign of his partner anywhere.

Dony sat there in silence for a moment before picking himself off the ground, chuckling quietly to himself. He now had one goal: find Delta, the woman he swore to protect, and find some way to return home. He looked towards the stone city that stood in the distance, the sun rising behind him. Seemed like a good place to start looking

"Heh. I guess this is one way to punish me for my crimes, aye?" he scoffed as he slowly made his way to the Fire capital

The Heavy Metal Zoner

Donyoku is a heavyweight zoner who emphasizes strong ground control utilizing his Golden Blood. While he lacks in mobility, his normals pack impressive range and power, allowing him to punish opponents heavily for trying to blindly approach.
Utilizing his Forger’s Gold Puddles, he is able to threaten opponents from much further away than other characters can. He can also use them to make his other special moves more threatening than they would be normally.

Ability: Forger’s Gold

By using certain attacks, Dony is able to create a puddle of his own blood on the ground. Whenever he performs certain attacks, the puddle will react and perform a followup based on the attack used. Most moves that create puddles cost Dony’s own vitality to perform, making continuous usage of the puddles risky

Notable Normals

Dtilt: Golden Surge
With a simple point of his finger, Dony calls forward a surge of his golden blood. If there are no puddles already active, this move is a fast, disjointed poke that creates a puddle afterwards. If there is an active puddle, Dtilt will instead create the surge from the puddle, moving it a set distance in the direction Dony is facing.
Dair: Grounding Claws
On its own, Dair is a slow but powerful spike that kills very well. However, if he hit an opponent into the stage with it, a puddle will be created where they land.

Dstrong: Protection Fee
Dony’s Dstrong is a difficult move to land due to its slow startup and short range. However, if it lands, he gets the damage he dealt with it back, healing 10%-16% on hit. The toss afterwards doesn’t scale with percent, making it possible for consistent follow ups regardless of percent


Nspecial: Sun Dial

This is a large, incredibly active projectile that will sit in place while active until it dissipates, dropping into a puddle. If the opponent gets hit by it, they get sucked in before being spat out, sending them towards Dony for potential follow ups.
Puddle Follow up: Forger’s Dial- The puddle turns into a grounded saw blade and travels forward. The projectile deals low damage and knocks opponents away in the direction it was traveling in. Holding the control stick towards Dony cause the projectile to travel towards him.

Fspecial: Orion Charge

Fspecial is overall simple, being a forward tackle attack with a minor disjoint that allows you to barge through weak projectiles and attacks alike.
Puddle Follow up: Forger’s Charge- The puddle erupts into several floating particles that recede back into the puddle after a second. The particles themselves don’t do anything, but if you hold the special button while Dony’s traveling through them during Fspecial, then he will perform a powerful follow up attack that deals high damage and is jump cancelable on hit allowing for potential follow ups and kill confirms.

Uspecial: Citrine Retreat

Uspecial is a simple recovery move, launching him up a solid distance while leaving a projectile behind. The projectile it creates has a strong, spiking sweetspot at the bottom. Holding parry during startup causes him to gain next to no vertical height.
Puddle Follow up: Forger’s Citrine- The puddle spits out a crystalline spike that then chases Donyoku, grabbing anyone it hits. Once it reaches Dony, he regains his double jump and wall jump.

Dspecial (Ground): Sword of Midas

Donyoku summons a broken sword and stabs it into the ground, causing a sword tip to burst out of the ground shortly after. The sword tip knocks opponents towards him, allowing for combo extensions afterwards. The sword tip is created at one of two set distances depending on how long you hold the button; hold the button to create it further away.
Puddle Follow up: Forger’s Sword- The puddle erupts into a spear head pointing towards Dony. This basically creates the same sword tip projectile at the puddle’s location, having the same hit properties as the normal move.

Dspecial (Air): Blade Crash

Dony creates a massive broad sword and dives downwards, grabbing any opponents as he falls. Once he hits the ground, he releases a massive burst of swords, dealing high damage to all opponents caught in it.

Secret Alt System

Dony has a set of 96 secret alternate color pallets. To access them, hold Up or down on the control stick or press taunt, then press jump at round start. You can see which alt is attributed to which button command by waiting on the character select screen. (I’m currently working on a new Alts page with the updated order as of patch 1.4. Please be patient as I get that together)

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