Improved Australia (replaced by Australia Flavor Pack)

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Author: Taylor

Last revision: 4 Dec, 2022 at 07:17 UTC

File size: 592.9 KB

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Australia Flavor Pack is now released!

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Includes this mod + a LOT more. AFP will take over any development on this mod

Australia is a huge and hugely resource rich landmass benefiting from British technology and oversight. However, in game Australia is not portrayed as well as it ought to be and is instead depicted as a rather plain desert country apart from some gold, which is also understated in vanilla.

Adds appropriate state traits to Australia as well as adjusts resources and arable land. I researched geoscience information and production amounts contemporary to the time period to help inform these adjustments. This is my first mod, so I hope it’s not too janky. Also changed colour to green to match national colours.

  • Barossa Valley in South Australia giving +25% wheat farm throughput
    (Significant wine producing region; after the -20% agriculture throughput from Australian Desert, this results in a net +5% wheat farm throughput… it’s not like all of South Australia is a desert.
  • Port Jackson (Sydney Harbour) in New South Wales giving +10% shipyard throughput, +3 max port level, +20% port throughput and +15 max naval base
    (Port Jackson is huge and was remarked by early explorers as an incredible natural harbour and is why Sydney became the first capital rather than the original landing area in Botany Bay
  • Sydney Basin Coalfield in New South Wales & Bowen Basin Coalfield in Queensland giving +10% coal throughput
    (Australia has the third highest amount of coal in the world and its mostly from these regions. A bunch of European states get +10% coal throughput, so why not here?)
  • Vertosols in Queensland giving +10% agricultural output
    Main soil type in Queensland are vertosols containing high levels of phosphorus, similar to black soil in Ukraine

  • Great Barrier Reef in Queensland giving +15% fishing throughput
    May add whaling throughput and reduce each to 10%

  • Pilbara in Western Australia giving +10% iron throughput
    (The Pilbara region has large mineral deposits, notable among them being iron. While this wasn’t mined much during the game period, the reasoning as far as I could tell was not technological but a series of misinformation and odd political choices)
  • Murray River in Victoria giving +20 infrastructure and +10% agriculture throughput
    (The largest river in Australia and part of the Murray-Darling basin, a significant agricultural feature)
  • Tasmanian Oak in Tasmania giving +25% hardwood throughput
    Tasmania’s geography creates top quality cool temperate hardwood, prized for panelling, flooring, furniture and paper.
  • Wairakei Geothermal Field in North Island NZ giving +10% power plant throughput
    New Zealand was the second country to become a major industrial producer of geothermal electricity. However, this was achieved in 1958. Nevertheless, the technology existed in Italy from 1904 and various experimental types were used in Japan and the US throughout the 20s, therefore I believe the Wairakei station within the game period is plausible when a player industrialises New Zealand earlier than in our history.
  • Canterbury Plains in South Island NZ giving +15% agriculture througput
    The largest flat plain in New Zealand, capable of intensive agricultural cultivation and pastoral farming
  • Piopiotahi in South Island NZ giving +15% shipyard throughput, +3 max port level, +10 max naval base level
    New Zealand’s principal fjord
  • Southern Alps in South Island NZ giving -15% construction efficiency and -15% infrastructure
    South Island is 2/3 mountain & I wanted to nerf New Zealand a bit after giving them three positive traits over 2 states.

  • New South Wales:
    – arable land 60 -> 110
    – coal 80 -> 90
    – logging 7 -> 9
    – gold 12 -> 6
    – oil 0 -> 6
  • Victoria:
    – arable land 56 -> 100
    – logging 11 -> 15
    – fishing 8 -> 10
    – gold 6 -> 18 (in 1850 over 1/3 of the world’s gold was produced in Victoria, also Vic had a larger gold rush than NSW and was what allowed Melbourne to compete with Sydney, resulting in Canberra becoming capital as a compromise)
  • Tasmania:
    – arable land 56 -> 60
    – whaling 2 -> 4
    – fishing 6 -> 10
    – logging 8 -> 18
    – gold 6 -> 8
  • Queensland
    – arable land 50 -> 85
    – added bananas
    – coal 45 -> 100
    – logging 5 -> 14
    – fishing 12 -> 17
  • South Australia
    – arable land 32 -> 65
    – fishing 6 -> 10
  • Western Australia
    – arable land 42 -> 70
    – coal 40 -> 45
    – iron 30 -> 70
    – gold 8 -> 12
    – oil 0 -> 10
  • Northern Territory
    – arable land 16 -> 25
  • North Island NZ
    – arable land 42 -> 80
    – coal 28 -> 30
    – fishing 8 -> 10
    – sulphur 0 -> 20
  • South Island NZ
    – arable land 32 -> 55
    – whaling 4 -> 6

    Across Australia and New Zealand there is now a total of 650 arable land.

– Australian culture obsessed with liquor
– Colour changed to green
– ‘Australian Desert’ renamed to ‘Outback’ and given new icon

– Added more state traits, changed image of ‘Australian desert’ (we don’t have cacti m8)
– Gave New Zealand some love with unique traits and slight resource adjustments
– Australia colour is now green, to match the green & gold national colours
– Australian culture now obsessed with liquor (inspired by this mod)
– Added a couple names to random Australian characters

Would not be compatible with mods that change Oceania state traits or Australasia state region afaik

Chinese localization

Patch for More Oil States (From Patch 1.1 DD) (Load order: Improved Australia -> More Oil States > Patch)

Thank you to Imperialist who helped teach me how to make this