BT Addon: Internal Politicks

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Author: Dub

Last revision: 27 Mar, 2022 at 22:47 UTC

File size: 924.67 KB

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What does this mod do?

This mod intends to modify how you deal with your internal politicking in this game and to deepen the internal strategic elements of the game. Main or major features include:

Absolutism tweaks:

Absolutism in Beyond Typus has, since it getting overhauled back in 1.27 or so, massively increased unrest in your provinces. This, to me, does not reflect what Absolutism was, which historically was an attempt by monarchs to curb the power of the Estates of the realm. As well, it impacts the AI’s ability to function towards the lategame, as well as simply spawning rebels all over countries, which has never been fun in this game to deal with.

With the advent of the new estate system since 1.30, I feel Absolutism should impact this a lot more. Therefore, Absolutism instead massively reduces all estates’ loyalty equilibrium, up to -20% at 100 absolutism. This means that if you intend on obtaining any Absolutism, you might as well forget about keeping estates loyal. Instead, your focus will be to attempt to reduce their influence, such that their negative modifiers as they turn disloyal will become as small as possible.

For those who still want some of that unrest, disloyal estates will increase the national unrest, scaled by their influence.

In addition to this, 6 new estate privileges have been added so that you can cope with this massive estate loyalty equilibrium reduction, should you screw up and find yourself unable to revoke privileges. However, it will be costly. One estate privilege is concerned with your main estate (Nobility for monarchies, Burghers for republics and Clergy for theocracies) which gives a +10% loyalty boost for a +0.1 yearly corruption modifier. The others are available for everyone no matter your government type, one for each estate, but these are even more costly, giving +0.2 yearly corruption for a +10% loyalty boost.

Originally, this feature was part of Byzantine Resurgence, but because I have added several new additional features, this has grown enough to become a separate addon.

Seizure of Crown Land:

Clicking the button to seize crown land will now incur a -20% estate loyalty equilibrium modifier that lasts for 5 years. This means that this button becomes less of a no-brainer button that you press every 5 years to something that you now have to consider whether it is worth doing within 5 years, therefore incurring rebels spawning in your country, or waiting a little longer for estates’ loyalty to recover.

Governing Capacity Overhaul, Part 2:

In BT, Governing Capacity has had slight tweaks to what vanilla has. For instance, unaccepted cultures and/or intolerance incur a governing capacity malus to the province. As well, governing capacity cost-reducing buildings were changed to only be buildable in States, thus fixing territories and trade companies being the go-to provincial government type. This has now been further overhauled to do the following:
-For starters, being over governing capacity will increase yearly corruption, by up to +1/year at above 100% governing capacity. This introduces the strategic decision to either pay a portion of your income to prevent this, thus impacting your economy, OR, be impacted by a small amount of corruption.
-In addition to this, corruption now also increases your governing capacity, and estate loyalty gains from it has been doubled.
-When coupling the above two changes, this creates an equilibrium, where being over governing capacity increases corruption, therefore increasing governing capacity such that you are less above the limit. Which ultimately means that, unless you pay to root out corruption, your governing capacity usage will slowly drift towards your maximum governing capacity, thus making your governing capacity an actual limiter to how much you can actually utilize the lands in your nation instead of something that intends on creating bigger coalitions. It also means that going above governing capacity means paying additional monarch point costs for everything, further penalizing large, overextended nations.

Expiring Cores:

This mod makes non-primary nations of a culture equal to primary nations in terms of core expiration. Instead of them expiring after 150 years or not at all if a primary nation, both expire after 300 years. This means that you will still be able to release tags towards the end of the game. This also promotes culture-conversion, as wrong-culture province cores still have a 50 year expirary date.

Estates and Diets:

-This mod now adds a new estate for Scandinavian-cultured nations as well as Peasant Republics: Peasants. Featuring 5 estate privileges, 17 estate agendas and 14 estate events with ruler personality options, this fully fleshed out estate intends on emulating the influence of the countryside populace in the Scandinavian nations, where they historically were present in the Diets as a "fourth estate". In Sweden in particular, the miners of the realm (Bergsmän) were oftentimes included as part of this fourth estate, which is also represented in this mod.
-Speaking of the diet, it now functions such that all estates of your realm are present, allowing you to pick between up to 5 different agendas if you have access to 5 different estates in your realm. No longer will you have to hope that a specific estate gets picked.

Future plans:

-An overhaul to the government reform tiers
-New government reforms to fill the current void that BT has in this department.

Why does this mod require Byzantine Resurgence?

There are two reasons for this:
First and foremostly, I myself play with that mod, and I made this mod mainly for myself, though I figured other people would like to use what I use as well.
Second, some code present in Byzantine Resurgence only activates if this mod is enabled. The reason why I made it such is that I did not want to maintain separate versions of the same file that simply add a couple of extra features, making updating even more tedious than it already is. Thus, some parts of this mod will simply not work properly without Byzantine Resurgence installed.

Any requests to make a version that does not require it will be rejected. You are however free to create such a version for yourself. Do not publish it to the workshop without contacting me first, however.

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Yes. I’ve decided that my time is better spent on other things than to moderate my own workshop items’ comments. Therefore, if you wish to report an issue or wish to contact me elsehow, post on the BT Discord instead.

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-BT Addon: Byzantine ResurgenceSteam Workshop
Beyond TypusSteam Workshop