[R&F] Leugi’s Itzcoatl Alternate Leader (Aztec)

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Authors: Leugi, Dray

Last revision: 18 Feb, 2018 at 14:37 UTC

File size: 49.48 MB

On Steam Workshop


Adds Itzcoatl as an alternate leader for the Aztec Civilization.

Leader Concept:
Itzcoatl leads the Aztecs in Sid Meier’s Civilization VI. He was both a conqueror as well as a reformer. As Tlatoani of the Aztecs he led important battles against many of the neighboring people. He’s remembered for burning the Amoxtli historical records and then ordering new ones to be written, in order to give more importance the Legend of the Five Suns and to empower him and his descendants as part of a godly lineage. He also defended the Toltecayotl and in so doing built many temples and infraestructure. In Civilization VI this makes him a strong foe both in Cultural and Domination victories. Through conquest he can gain more Era Score and better builders that can later help in establishing a strong culture with the aid of the Chinampas.

Main Strengths: Culture and Domination.

Abilities and Features:
LUA: Amoxtli Reform: Completely pillaging Districts grants +1 Era Score, increased by 1 when pillaging Theater and Campus districts, and your units are stronger in combat when next to either District. May build the Chinampa Improvement during Golden Ages.
LUI: Chinampa: Aztec Unique Improvement when Itzcoatl is their leader, unlocked during Golden ages, which may only be built on Coastal Water tiles. Chinampas grant +1 Appeal to adjacent tiles and a base +2 Food and +1 Production, both of which are doubled on Conquered Cities. Additionally every Chinampa grants +1 Food and +1 Production from every adjacent Luxury and Bonus Resource.
Agenda: Toltecayotl Heritage: Dislikes City-States and Civilizations with few terrain improvements. Likes civilizations with more terrain improvements than him.

· The Leader is not animated.
· This mod is compatible with YnaMP and JFD’s Rule with Faith
· The Historic Moment for pillaging Theater and Campus districts will only be visible if you use Rule with Faith. The Era Score is granted regardless.
· Special thanks to Draeren for the Background image for Itzcoatl.

If you are experiencing issues with Rise and Fall and mods loading (whether this or another one), I suggest downloading this installer by JFD which in most cases will fix the issue:


Required DLC:

These DLC should be installed in order to use this item.

Sid Meieru2019s Civilization VI: Rise and Fall