More Historical Religious Conversions (1.0 Beta)

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Author: reddbane

Last revision: 25 Nov, 2018 at 03:52 UTC

File size: 18.43 KB

On Steam Workshop


Not Ironman Compatible

(It is my policy that anyone can use the work I’ve done here, and modify or add it to their own mod, and publish it, though please note the original source.)

This mod is a successor to several mods I have made in the past whose general aim was the improvement of historical accuracy of the major religious shifts which occur in EU4, particularly the Protestant Reformation, but also religious conversions in general and the general behavior of the AI. For a long and detailed explanation of all the changes made you can check the discussion threads, but the short one is I’ve recoded the Protestant Reformation so it spread in a more historically manner, and that further religious conversions in general are more difficult, especially against religions outside your religious group, and especially in provinces and cultures which historically resisted conversion or were traditionally loyal to a certain faith. It is not impossible to convert said provinces, but it definitely now takes a larger investment by the player to accomplish ahistorical religious conversion, and generally the AI will avoid it.

Note: this mod has been extensively tested to verify it encourages historical accuracy during Spectator playthroughs.

To do list:
More historical emergence of Sikhism in Punjab.
Expand Anglican interactions with Church of Scotland, Catholic Ireland, and the Anglicization of Northern Ireland.
Give relation bonuses between members of the Reformation, i.e. Reformed, Protestant, and Anglican.