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Author: King Of Droids

Last revision: 6 Oct, 2022 at 04:49 UTC

File size: 10.77 MB

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Vemmon breaches the firewall of Rivals of Aether!

While Vemmon doesn’t know good from evil, it does know one thing: it must feed. so it’s here with one goal only: to feed on the data of as many fighters as he can! This digimon loves to get close and personal with his claws, cutting open their data. However, he can digivolve to Snatchmon in a tight situation, capable of releasing powerful energy attacks to eradicate his foes!

Is Compatible with:
Trial Grounds
MT. Dedede Stadium
Boxing Arena.
Pokemon Stadium

Important Features:

Passive Healing: Vemmon encourages slicing and dicing with his claws, restoring hp from consuming the damage he inflicted. The healing is small, but the more and more you heal, the more it adds up.

Megadeath Meter: Vemmon has a bar above his name. The damage he inflicts adds points to this meter. Taking damage also gives him a single point per hit. Something big might happen if it reaches 100…

**DStrong**: DStrong is unique, having him digivolve into Snatchmon before surrounding him in an aura that stops most of all projectiles. The most important feature however is that he starts charging up, focusing purely on gaining meter the fastest possible.


His melee and tilt attacks involve him rushing like a raptor, swiping and slashing to his heart’s content. As vemmon, he focuses on the melee and status game. For his strong and special attacks, he digivolves to Snatchmon to deal heavier blows. Important moves include:

Jab: Instead of a combo, Vemmon fires a laser at the opponent. If this laser hits, they become enveloped in a stasis field for a couple seconds, leaving an opening for him to take advantage of. This has a small cooldown as well.

UStrong: Snatchmon sweeps upwards, pulling close foes in with psychic power and blasting them away with a ball of dark energy.

NSpecial: Snatchmon’s gauntlets glow orange before they begin to fire repeating shots from the eyes on the back of his hands. These don’t knock foes back, but deal considerable damage if left unchecked, gaining meter fast to boot. This can be Repeated constantly by holding down the ‘down’ button.

This is all well and good, but when Vemmon has fought long enough in battle, he can concentrate the data he has collected, becoming…


Galacticmon boasts power that blows Vemmon out of the water, gaining perma armor and is unable to be launched. His attacks do extreme amounts of damage that can launch foes even at low percentages

Important moves:

USpecial: Ragnarok Cannon:

Galacticmon floats upwards, firing a massive laser that can do from 20%-60% damage in one go. it also does not induce Pratfall. So this can be used to harass an entire screen of enemies in a flash!

NSpecial: Magnetic Missiles:

Galaticmon releases three large spheres radiating with energy. after hitting, they will burn enemies and launch them away.

DSpecial: Satellite Laser:

Fast to use and reuse, this attack sweeps enemies in a large swath to the side with a cyan laser, doing a decent chunk of damage and can lead into a combo with his other special moves.

FSpecial: Gunslinger Strike

Galacticmon coils up and strikes forward with his tail. this is a perfect ‘get off me’ attack that strikes everyone in a straight line. However, if you hit a foe with the point of the tail, extra damage and knockback is dealt.

Vemmon(Bemmon), Snatchmon, and Galacticmon(Ragnamon)’s sprites are possible by Dragonrod, check them out!

Misc Effects made by:

And a massive thanks to Monsh for helping a ton with bug fixing!

This was an absolute pleasure to make, lemme know what you think in the comments!