Bloody Combat

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Author: BakaKemono

Last revision: 30 Apr, 2021 at 11:52 UTC

File size: 28.87 MB

On Steam Workshop


Increases combat blood with new decals and effects. Creator of Enhanced Blood Textures for Skyrim and Fallout 4 takes on Overgrowth’s amazing blood and decal system.

Dying animation:
-Added 4 new dying states / KO states
-Added chance of entering dying state instead of always going limp from normal unarmed attacks
-Increased dying state timer from 12 to 40-120 seconds
-Slightly increased throat slit bleeding animation from 8 to 20 seconds
-Dying characters may need more than one hit to make them stop moving
-Removed jump kick restrictions for modded AI. This will allow the Dynamic AI mod to have AI jump kick abilities without modding the main character script

-Added 4 new blood decals
-Increased blood amount and size
-Increased blood drips on character surface when struck
-Added blood splatters from non-blocked attacks
-Blood splatter amount is determined by how much damage is done
-Added finishing blow splatters (Edited from Last’s mod)
-Neck spurts is now triggered by slices near the neck when killed
-If someone is in a dying animation attacking near the head area will trigger atrial spurts

Reduced blood size version here

-Changed the blood drop texture which also fixes issue with spurts not lining up
-Slightly decreased blood size for certain splatters

-Updated for game version 1.4
-Minor code clean up and other very minor fixes and adjustments

-Fixed ragdoll freeze not applying correctly to motionless downed characters. Will improve performance for situations where there are a multiple dead characters on a level
-Decreased dying animation duration when killed by a weapon
-Mouth movement adjustments for dying animation