AquaVera 3 – Triggered Fountain Show

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Author: Yorick

Last revision: 25 Apr, 2017 at 21:28 UTC

File size: 29.7 KB

On Steam Workshop


Grand Dancing Fountain to place in a big pond in your park. Triggers every 3 minutes or so by a track ride, which is included. Inspired by the The Fountains of Bellagio and the Efteling’s Aquanura. Within this download, you’ll find 2 concrete fountain bases with all nozzles, lamps and so on welded in them, a trigger ride track to place to animate the fountains and 10 placeble spotlight containers for you to freely place, but no pond itself, nor the castle you see in these pictures, sorry ’bout that.

Install by:
1. Have a pond (Preferably dirty water to best ‘cover’ the fountain base)
2. Place this content in the pond exactly to the water level indicator (top side of wooden indicator log)
3. Delete the water level indicator.
4. Place the triggering coaster anywhere it suits you (Preferably out of sight, perhaps even burried underground – It serves no purpose other then to trigger the fountain program).
5. Place or delete the ten lighting cases around the pond facing the 2 fountain bases.
6. Set the triggering track to testmode and enjoy.

7. If you have lanterns for paths facing the pond you would like to ‘switch off’ during the fountainshow, make these lamps / lanterns triggerable to 37.0 seconds and add them once to trigger event nr. 16 and once to trigger event nr. 17.