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Author: Exwheckator

Last revision: 4 Dec, 2019 at 22:44 UTC

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Morrigan from the Darkstalkers series! She has been given a very combo heavy gameplay, having a lot of moves with light knockback and her airdash, to give her lots of air mobility.

She has been downscaled by 20%, so the sprite quality does not match the original games, but I’ve polished them up so they still look just fine. Additionally, Hsien-Ko the other Darkstalkers character I’ve made will be getting a downscale overhaul as well.

She has a knockback multiplier of 1.15.

Super-Unique One-Of-A-Kind Never-Done-Before Feature (I think it’s never been done)

She can taunt while in mid-air. Your welcome.

Complete Moveset Breakdown

All attacks have their frame data listed directly under the attack name. Its in a format that looks like this: 5-(6)-7
Normal numbers represent normal animation frames, whereas numbers in parentheses represent frames where a hitbox is active. For the example above, the attack would have 5 frames of start up, 6 frames where the hitbox is out, and 7 frames of ending lag.

Neutral Special – Soul Fist

13-(1)-30 [Total=44]

A standard projectile attack. When used in the air it goes downwards diagonally.
Deals 8% Damage.

Side Special – Air Dash


Air Dash is a key component of Morrigan’s Mobility, and grants her access to crazy high levels of rush down potential, and grants her access to combos that normally aren’t possible. Above her super meter on the HUD is a gauge that shows you how much you can use air dash. The meter depletes quickly, but restores quickly. It restores the slowest while in mid-air, faster when on the ground, and fills the fastest while taunting.

Air dash lasts as long as you hold down the special button and ends the instant you let go. You can go upwards with it by pressing Up on the stick and downwards when pressing down.

But the most important thing to note about this move is that you can easily transition into a Back-Air by pressing the opposite direction your traveling in.

Up Special – Shadow Blade

6-(4)-(17)-5 [Total=32]

A standard recovery move that can be used as an attack. It deals significantly more knockback when performed on the ground, rather than the air.
The initial 4 frames are the strongest, dealing 9% damage, and the rest of the move deals 6% damage.

Down Special – Harmonious Spear


This is the brand new move Morrigan was given in Marvel Vs. Capcom Infinite. (If your wondering where it comes from since its never been in any other games.) This is a trap-style move that you can leave on the stage, and use it later. When used, Morrigan summons a couple of bats that fly forwards. You can hold down the special button to change the position, but when the special button is released, they will lock into place. When down special is pressed again, the bats will morph into a spear that deals 6% damage. The attack spikes, but has very low knockback scaling, so don’t rely on it as a kill move, but more as a combo extender.

Super Move – Darkness Illusion

Above Morrigan’s HUD is a meter that builds up when you deal or receive damage. When its full, a flashing "1" shall appear. Pressing Attack and Special at the same time when its full will cause Morrigan to dash forward, if it connects, the attack will begin, which deals a total of 29 damage.

You can cancel just about anything into this move, so it can be used in combos.


3-(3)-14-(3)-(3)-(2)-10-(4)-15 [Total=57]

A chain of 3 attacks that hit 5 times. The first hit deals 2%, the 2nd attack deals 1% damage 3 times, and the final kick deals 5%, for a total of 10% damage. You can cancel the first and 2nd attacks into tilts.

Dash Attack

5-(4)-5-(4)-10 [Total=28]

Deals 2% damage twice.

Forward Tilt

5-(6)-10 [Total=21]

Deals 4% damage.
This has very low knockback at all levels of percent. Forward tilt into an aerial such as Forward-Air or Neutral-Air is one of Morrigan’s most important and reliable combos.

Up Tilt

4-(4)-13 [Total=21]

Deals 4% damage.
Similar to Forward Tilt, this attack has low knockback, but Up-Air is almost always the next attack you must follow it with.

Down Tilt

5-(4)-10 [Total=19]

Deals 7% damage.
This attack can be canceled specifically into an Up-Strong on hit, but the attack will only connect on lower percent enemies, since the higher knockback will knock them away before the Up-Strong comes out.

Neutral Air

4-(20)-7 [Total=31]

Deals 4% damage.

Forward Air

4-(3)-7-(3)-10-(3)-16 [Total=46]

Morrigan’s Forward Air functions similar to her jab, as it is a 3 hit combo. Pressing the attack button after one of the hits will sequence it into the next.

First Hit Deals 2% damage.
Second Hit Deals 3% damage.
Final Hit Deals 4% damage.

Up Air

7-(9)-7 [Total=23]

Deals 5% damage.

Hitting an opponent with the lower end of the hitbox on the final 3 frames will spike the opponent.

Down Air


Her down air launches her straight down, and she wont stop until she collides with a player or the ground.
If it hits an opponent, she leaps upwards with a backflip. At low percents its best to follow it up with a Soul-Fist, and at higher percets, a Shadow Blade.
Deals 6% damage.

Back Air

7-(4)-(4)-(4)-10 [Total=29]

Hits 3 Times, the first 2 hits deal 2% damage, and the final deals 3%.

Forward Strong

16-(5)-19 [Total=40]

Deals 12% damage.

Up Strong

10-(3)-23 [Total=36]

This attack can be canceled into a jump on hit. Also keep in mind that this attack can be canceled into from a Down Tilt.
Deals 10% damage.

Down Strong

11-(5)-7-(5)-13 [Total=41]

Both hits deal 8% damage.

More Darkstalkers Characters?

I’m in the process of making all the Darkstalkers characters. This is going to take a long time, so I may lose the patience to make them though, since quality is a priority for me. I’m going to give making all of them my best shot though. I’ve created a poll listing the 16 other characters to see who you guys want to see in the game. This poll won’t directly choose the order in which I make them, but will certainly influence it.

Darkstalkers Character Poll []

(11-7-20 Dev Update)
I just wanna throw out an update to let everyone know that I’m not dead and I’m still continuing development for the Darkstalkers. My development for these characters pretty on and off for the last few months, but I got the Hsien-Ko overhaul out, and I’m currently working on Jedah. Jedah’s moveset is currently around 85% complete, but there’s still a lot of work to be done on him, but he’s still coming. After Jedah I plan on doing either Demitri or Jon Talbain, so you can look forward to that, but at the rate I’m developing, they are a ways out.