Middle Earth 3 (requires hafling, and necro DLC)

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Author: Shaithias

Last revision: 19 Sep, 2015 at 19:57 UTC

File size: 1.9 MB

On Steam Workshop



Old middle earth map, except with dlc content from necro Expansion. I did not think it would be fair for people who are suscribed to Middle Earth 2 to be forced to migrate maps, although support for middle earth 2 is going to be ending.

I am considering taking up this map and making a middle earth 4 map, along with a mod to add brand new units.
The changes I would probably be introducing to it would be as follows:
Nazghul rider (orc horse + wraith model) and putting the dark riders in the south so they have to ride around the bottom peninsula to get to hobbiton.
Minor heal: 2 turn cd, puts a buff that heals 3 per turn for 3 turns.
Human Priests: +minor heal +shortbow -spirit ray +turn undead
Dwarf Priests: -firebolt, -fire buff +minor heal +firebomb
Elf stormsisters: -shock bolts +minor heal +turn undead
Golin doctors: -poison bolts +mosquito darts +minor heal
Orc Priest: -blackbolts +minor heal +blood sacrifice
Horse archers: get a new free short range ranged attack on 1 turn cd. (harrass shot)
Human light cavalry no longer evolve, get free melee attack on 1 turn cd. +sprint -charge
Human swordsmen get shields.
Humans get a -40% spirit weakness.
Ironheart gets a 3 turn cooldown. (it can be used to give strong will to negate -40% weakness)
Halfling support +minor healing
Nourishing meal gets 3 turn cd

Map changes: Saruman and Isengard would go under the same team, with Saruman as the leader.