[WOTC] Amalgamation Console Helper

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Author: XpanD

Last revision: 16 Feb, 2023 at 13:03 UTC

File size: 481.28 KB

On Steam Workshop


Adds several new console commands for the Amalgamation Classes mod, allowing for things like easy rerolls and detailed spec/class searches. Generally intended as a dev tool, but also has some fun features for general play. (or streaming? rerolls!)


To include all specializations for a given type (primary/secondary/tertiary), use "any" as a filter.

Angle bracket arguments ("<" and ">") are required, square bracket ones ("[" and "]") are optional. Arguments with a question mark are boolean — they accept either "true" or "false".

Lists all installed specializations, divided into categories and sorted by how common they are.

Lists all weapons granted by specs, sorted by the amount of classes granting them.

FindSpecs [primary spec] [secondary spec] [tertiary spec] [show lore/weaponry?]
Lists all Amalgamation classes matching the filters. Shows all possible classes by default.

RollSpecs <amount> [primary spec] [secondary spec] [tertiary spec] [hide lore/weaponry?]
Similar to FindSpecs, but generates a numbered list of random classes matching the filters.

RollDie <amount>
Rolls a random number between 1 and the provided amount. Seemed good to have?

ApplyClass <primary spec> <secondary spec> <tertiary spec> [rank level]
Creates and applies a class for the given specializations. Overwrites the current class!

RandomizeClass [primary spec] [secondary spec] [tertiary spec] [apply immediately?]
Generates a single random class, obeying filters where set. Overwrites current class if "true"!


No overrides, should be compatible with just about anything.

Setting character classes directly requires the Additional Soldier Console Commands mod.

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Required DLC:

These DLC should be installed in order to use this item.

XCOM 2: War of the Chosen
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Amalgamation Classes WOTCSteam Workshop