Robert’s Skill-Sorted Mod Missions (Early Access)

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Author: Robert Slayer [M]

Last revision: 16 Dec, 2018 at 05:06 UTC

File size: 645.12 KB

On Steam Workshop


NOTE: This mission pack is in an Early Access phase, and is currently incomplete. You may give early feedback on the mod for further reference when making later updates to the full version. (This version contains the first two easiest sections, but there will be much harder later on!)

This is a mission pack containing 35 Missions as of now, each themed to different mod modules. Sections are sorted into difficulty (Or "Grade" if you will) and missions contain modules which are on skill level of desired section. For example, very easy modules such as Word Scramble are put in the first section titled "First Grade", wheras atrocious modules like "Forget Me Not" will be added in a further section. Modules are specifically sorted in sections based on average difficulty between defuser and expert as per the repo. (

This mission pack requires you to at least obtain the mods listed below, otherwise if you are playing with all mods to date:

For all missions

Alphabet, Anagrams, Caesar Cipher, Digital Root, Emoji Math, Instructions, Letter Keys, Mastermind, Modulo, Word Scramble, Needy Questions, Needy Math, Needy Pay Respects.

For Section 2

Backgrounds, Bitwise Operations, Blind Alley, The Bulb, Calendar, The Code, Colored Squares, Combination Lock, Complex Keypad, Complicated Buttons, Connection Check, The Digit, Double Color, English Test, Error Codes, European Travel, Faulty Backgrounds, Foreign Excahnge Rates, Mashematics, Maze Scrambler, Morse War, Party Time, Plunger Button, Radiator, Subways, Switch, Text Field, Needy Button Masher, Needy Random Number Generator.