S.S. United States

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合众国号邮轮,1950年在弗吉尼亚州的纽波特纽斯船厂开工,1952年下水。​长302米,宽30米,主机为4台西屋电气公司的蒸汽轮机和减速齿轮机组,8组Babcock & Wilcox M型超高压锅炉,主机出力24.3万马力,极限出力26.7万马力,民用舰船搭载的最强劲主机,巡航速度35节,极速44节(约80KM/H)4轴推进。巡航航速35节,最高航速达43节.






The SS United States was the brainchild of one of the world’s foremost marine architects, William Francis Gibbs. His dream was to build a passenger ship that was faster, safer and more technologically advanced than anything else afloat. It was truly a construction project that challenged conventional thinking. In 1952, his dream became a reality when the SS United States crossed the North Atlantic in 3 days, 10 hours and 42 minutes averaging 35.59 knots (65.48 km/hr or 40.96 mph). The design characteristics encompassing the United States read straight out of a James Bond novel, many remaining classified by the Navy well into the late 70’s:
Her 268,000 horsepower engines allowed her to reach a top speed of 43 knots (79.12 km/hr or 49.48 mph)* at 990’6" in length, she is the largest passenger vessel ever built in the United States.
Materials in construction included over 2,000 tons of aluminum; she has a power-to-weight ratio that has never been equaled
She could steam 10,000 miles without stopping for fuel or supplies.
The ship was totally fireproof, being constructed completely of non-flammable materials (publicists were so fond of pointing out that the only wood on board were in her pianos and the chopping blocks).

Basic Facts about the S.S. United States


MAIDEN VOYAGE: Began on July 3, 1952

LENGTH: 990 Ft. 6 Inches.

TONNAGE: 53,000 gross tons

SPEED: 43 knots (79.12 km/hr or 49.48 mph)

ENGINES: Four Engines generating 268,000 horsepower.

RANGE: She could steam 10,000 miles without stopping for fuel or supplies.

ARCHITECT: William Francis Gibbs

SPEED RECORD: WESTBOUND Atlantic Crossing – 3 days, 19 hours and 20 minutes, an average speed of over 34 knots.

COST TO BUILD: $79 million construction cost. Much underwritten by the federal government.

PRESENT LOCATION: Philadelphia, PA – U.S.A.
