Bow and Arrow Mod

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Author: Gyrth

Last revision: 11 Jan, 2019 at 03:19 UTC

File size: 11.77 MB

On Steam Workshop


A bow and arrow mod, with a bunch of different arrow type. Poison, poison cloud, flashbang, smoke, timed explosion, impact explosion and the standard arrow.

How to use this mod:

1. Enable the mod by going to Main menu -> Mods and click the checkmark next to Bow and Arrow Mod.
2. Go into a level and press f1 to go into editor mode.
3. Spawn the required items by going to Load -> Bow and Arrow -> [the items you want]

How to use the quiver:

1. Place the quiver somewhere in the level.
2. Select the quiver.
3. Hold down Alt and click one of the circles that appear near a character.
(The quiver doesn’t actually do anything, sheathing will still work without the quiver equipped.)

How to use the bow and arrow:

1. Make sure the bow is in the left hand and the arrow in the right hand.
2. Hold down q to aim, and release q to shoot.
3. While pressing q, you can cancel by pressing e.
4. You can sheathe/unsheathe arrows by pressing e. (Max 6 arrows)