Component Packs

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Author: sharmoni

Last revision: 20 Oct, 2022 at 18:47 UTC

File size: 1.99 MB

On Steam Workshop


24 Reticule Research blocks for storing components in your inventory. Each armored block holds 10 components (the stack size of GSO silos).

Since components can be extracted from wasteland scrap piles with the RR Precision Ray, it made sense that RR would have storage blocks to keep them safe.

The Component Packs are stenciled with abbreviations of the component name. Block previews in the menu have component icon overlays for easier selection (see above image).

These are intended for inventory storage rather than tech building, but because some of the component packs are worth over a hundred thousand BBs I decided to make the blocks armored.

I also made them Grade 4 (which doesn’t exist for RR) so they shouldn’t appear in RR mission crates. In campaign mode you need to craft each block once before you can buy it from the RR terminal.

Pricing is based on Raf’s beautiful and useful GSO Component Crates (1 component per crate):

Usage examples:
Wasteland Compactor:
SuperDeluxe Craftory: