Roboto Condensed Font

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Author: Eric Kotato

Last revision: 12 Oct, 2021 at 09:05 UTC

File size: 260.1 KB

On Steam Workshop


Roboto Condensed is back, but now as a separate font for photobooth!

This mod adds Roboto Condensed font in Regular and Bold weights for use in photobooth posters.


Do I need any mods for this?
Yes. This mod uses FontLib, so it needs any mod that fixes default game fonts. Such mods can be found here:

I have empty boxes instead of main font!
You haven’t read the previous question. Read and install any mod from the collection above.

Where can I find the mod folder?
[Steam library folder or Steam folder]steamappsworkshopcontent2685002625346820. Please note that XCOM 2 and Workshop content are located in same library folder, so the easiest way is to open XCOM 2 folder (right-click the game in Steam > Properties… > Local files > Browse…), navigate two folders up (until steamapps) and after that navigate to workshopcontent2685002625346820.

Can I use this font for game UI?
Yes. For this to work, you need to add [Fonts] section in any file (other languages can use different file extension insted of .int, e.g. Russian language will use .rus):

[Fonts] NormalFont=Alpha,Normal TitleFont=AF Carplates Medium,Normal ProtoFont=Lucida Console,Normal PhotoboothFontGomorrah=Gomorrah,Normal PhotoboothFontPosterama1913=Posterama 1913 SemiBold,Normal PhotoboothFontPosterama1984=Posterama 1984,Bold PhotoboothFontPosteramaText=Posterama Text,Bold PhotoboothFontTomsHandwritten=Toms Handwritten,Normal

After that, you’ll need to replace NormalFont and TitleFont like this:

NormalFont=Roboto Condensed,Normal

Can I have full font values list for this mod?

  • Roboto Condensed,Normal
  • Roboto Condensed Bold,Normal

I’ve replaced the main UI font, but want to use it in posters!
You can add default fonts separately in [mod folder]ConfigXComContent.ini file:

+m_arrFontOptions=(FontDisplayName="Alpha (Restored)", \ FontName="Alpha,Normal", \ AllowedInAsianLanguages=true, \ AllowedInCyrillic=true, \ AllowedForCaptured=true) +m_arrFontOptions=( \ FontDisplayName="Carplates (Restored)", \ FontName="AF Carplates Medium,Normal", \ AllowedInAsianLanguages=false, \ AllowedInCyrillic=true, \ AllowedForCaptured=false)

Please note that it doesn’t disable duplicates since it will break localization.

I don’t like the font. How to disabled it?
If you don’t like the font and you don’t want to see it in game again, you can simply disable the mod itself. If you’re using the font as main UI font and don’t want to see it in photobooth, you can disable it in [mod folder]ConfigXComContent.ini file by just commenting it out, putting ";" (semicolon) in front of the lines related to font. For example, if in following config:

[XComGame.X2Photobooth] +m_arrFontOptions=( \ FontDisplayName="Roboto Condensed", \ FontName="Roboto Condensed,Normal", \ AllowedInAsianLanguages=false, \ AllowedInCyrillic=true, \ AllowedForCaptured=false) +m_arrFontOptions=( \ FontDisplayName="Roboto Condensed Bold", \ FontName="Roboto Condensed Bold,Normal", \ AllowedInAsianLanguages=false, \ AllowedInCyrillic=true, \ AllowedForCaptured=false)

you want to disable the font, you’ll have to put ";" (semicolons) on every line since the start of the parameter ("+" (plus) sign) and until the line with ")" (closing round bracket). The following example will disable the first font, leaving Roboto Condensed Bold as only enabled font:

[XComGame.X2Photobooth] ;+m_arrFontOptions=( \ ; FontDisplayName="Roboto Condensed", \ ; FontName="Roboto Condensed,Normal", \ ; AllowedInAsianLanguages=false, \ ; AllowedInCyrillic=true, \ ; AllowedForCaptured=false) +m_arrFontOptions=( \ FontDisplayName="Roboto Condensed Bold", \ FontName="Roboto Condensed Bold,Normal", \ AllowedInAsianLanguages=false, \ AllowedInCyrillic=true, \ AllowedForCaptured=false)

Can I enable it for Asian languages (Chinese, Japanese, Korean)?
It’s not recommened since there is no support for this languages in font. But if you really want to, just change AllowedInAsianLanguages=false to AllowedInAsianLanguages=true for the fonts you want to be shown in [mod folder]ConfigXComContent.ini.

Why this font can be used for "Captured" posters?
By default you can use only Alpha font for these posters. If you want to use other fonts too, replace AllowedForCaptured=false tp AllowedForCaptured=true for the fonts you want to be shown.

Can I use it in XCOM 2 WotC Propaganda Center?
Yes. Copy the mod folder to [game folder]XComGameMods and add the following line to [game folder]XComGameDefaultModOptions.ini under [Engine.XComModOptions] section:


This info was initially provided by ($S360)Aeronautic.