Proper Combat Mod – ToB edition

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Author: kam2150

Last revision: 31 May, 2022 at 22:20 UTC

File size: 606.21 KB

On Steam Workshop


Hi all!

This edition of my mod as always tries to slow down combat a bit, make it more immersive and slightly upgrade or iron out certain aspects of it.

-Increased missile block chance
-Small decrease to missile damage
-Small decrease to missile reload for less idle time
-Decreased unit speed
-Made unit walking speed uniform for smoother movement of whole army over battlefield
-Small increase to cavalry mass (to compesnate for smaller charge speed)
-Small increase to unit HP
-Tweaked morale penalties for more realistic feel, less units with 15% or less of alive soldiers still fighting
-More immersive melee, shorter intervals between attacks, higher amount of animations play out
-Wedge removed as its bugged and makes units using it weaker, despite what UI tells player, it especially nerfed AI units
-Unit stats display improved for readability, missile block chance added

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