ZODIACS 十二生肖(春节大厅 New Year Lobby)

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Author: bxqazxsw

Last revision: 13 Sep, 2020 at 01:40 UTC

File size: 74.64 MB

On Steam Workshop

This map is a lobby map and not a level! Please find it by following the method below:
play>online>host>select lobby level>subscribed lobbies>ZODIACS


Lobby map for the Lunar New Year Competition. Please ENJOY!


This is not just a lobby! There is a huge amount of fantastic content (and Easter eggs) waiting
for you to discover.


For best experience, please turn off the original background music


If you encounter any bugs or problems, please leave a comment below, I will fix it immediately. If you have any great suggestions, please feel free to post it below.


If you enjoyed this map,please leave a 5 stars rating, it will be much appreciated!

Special thanks to @Kobakat in aiding with many of the problems!


地图分为七个区域,钟楼区域通过集齐生肖兽首解锁(详情请看车站外公告),游乐场区域有摩天轮,旋转木马等娱乐设施可供游玩,过山车表现了中国传统文化中的鲤鱼跃龙门。在庙会区域可以欣赏中国传统手工艺品,点燃爆竹和烟花以享受纯正的春节气息,也可以演奏各种民族乐器。竹林区域为纯观赏性,可以与可爱的小熊猫拍照留念!雪境森林钟有着神秘的月亮池和迷人的摇钱树。在山顶区域可以乘风筝滑翔,俯视全图。 天宫区域通过解迷解锁,可通过过山车到达,大殿中的炼丹炉可以炼制各种法力无边的神器!


The map is split into seven areas, the central bell tower region is unlocked by collecting all the zodiac heads. The amusement park is a region where you can enjoy with the various facilities, the roller coaster represents the traditional Chinese tale of the fortune carp fish leaping across the dragon-gate and becoming the dragon. The traditional fair has a variety of Chinese traditional handicraft items, traditional Chinese instruments, and most importantly, the FIREWORKS! The bamboo region is purely ornamental, but you can still take pictures with the cute cuddly pandas. The snowy forest has the mysterious moon pool with the tree of fortune growing over it. The mountain has the kite on its peak, glide over the map with it! The Heavenly Palace is accessible after you solve the mystery puzzle outside the station, craft magical items with powerful effects in the golden furnace!




The zodiac heads are at: the traditional fair next to the fireworks, in the moonpool in the snowy forest, in the roller coaster station, on the mountaintop beside the kite
Use the torch outside the bell tower to light the candles on the table inside, press the button on the risen plate to ring the bell. Pick up the dropped moon orb and place it on the stand outside the station, the roller coaster will now automatically stop at the heavenly palace.
The golden cudgel enlarges when you hold it, the umbrella allows you to fly outside the palace, the fan allows you to cause rainfall only at the sky palace

Disclaimer: all third party assets used in this scene(photos, music) are free to use and will not infringe any copyrights, for more info please contact the author