America Tweak

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Last revision: 25 Mar, 2023 at 21:23 UTC

File size: 18.43 KB

On Steam Workshop


Introducing the next mod in the Civilizations Tweaked Collection; America Tweak! This was definitely an interesting mod to make as I personally think America and its leaders were in a pretty good spot balance wise after the persona pack for Teddy dropped. That being said, I do think that some small buffs to their gameplay/thematics are in order and that’s exactly what this mod aims to provide. I hope y’all enjoy the changes I’ve made and as always feedback is greatly appreciated!

  • Antiquities And Parks now provides a +25% production bonus to the Preserve and its buildings., and cities with a National Park now grant an extra +3 Amenities (with the 2 amenities national parks already provide this comes out to a total of 5 amenities for the city the park is built in) in addition to the +1 bonus to tile appeal. The intention with these changes are to double down on the ability’s theme of nature & conversation with production bonus to preserves making it easier for the player to build them in their cities especially in the early game where their high production costs (especially for newer cities) can mean they might take 10+ turns to build. Then the amenity bonus is meant to help in the late game in keeping your cities happy as you push for a culture victory.
  • Roosevelt Corollary has been buffed so that now your trade routes to city-states you are Suzerain of provide +3 Culture and +2 Production for both cities. The intention with this change is to encourage players to engage in a more diplomatic/cultural playstyle by incentivising them to send their trade routes to nearby city-states (rather than their own or an AI’s) in order to quickly become their suzerain and reap the benfits of the extra yields their trade routes now provide.
  • Emancipation Proclomation has been buffed so that you now begin the game with the eureka for the Apprenticeship technology. In addition, cities with industrial zones receive +50% production towards commercial hub, city center, and encampment buildings. The intention with these changes are to support Lincoln’s more domination-focused playstyle playing by helping to get industrial zones online in your cities as fast as possible by allowing the player to unlock the necessary tech faster. Then once you’ve started building industrial zones, you’ll be able to rapidly buld up your key infrastructure in your cities and certain specialty districts in order to produce and maintain a large army.
  • Founding Fathers has received a buff so that now specialty districts yield +2 Great Person point of their type in cities with an established Governor. The intention with this change is to provide some more flexibility when it comes to pursuing a particular victory path. For example, Rough Rider Teddy can take advantage of this ability to either recruit more Great Writers, Muscians, or Artists in order to push for a cultural victory, or he can use it to recruit specfic great people that would help him achieve a diplomatic victory.

Just wanted to add in at the end here that by the time this mod goes up on the workshop I will have deleted Germany Tweak. This is because it has become clear to me that messing with the load order isn’t helping it work for people and at this point I’ve decided that the best course of action is to start over from scratch in the hope that the new version won’t suffer the same problems. However, considering I am back at university, it will probably be some time before I have the new version ready to be published, so I hope everyone will be patient as I do my best to make the Germany Tweak mod y’all deserve!