Harder Campaign + Economy changes 0.1

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Author: Bombenlejher

Last revision: 16 May, 2018 at 08:40 UTC

File size: 775.17 KB

On Steam Workshop



To make a mod that makes the campaign hard enough to be actually enjoyable and not just a steamroll, intended for people who are bored on very hard or legendary and should only be played on these difficutly settings, since some changes wont take effect otherwise.
This mod is a stopgap measure so I have not put much time into balance testing, therefore it would help a lot if you could share your experience with this mod with me and what balance changes you think I should make.


-Food output of all food producing buildings strongly reduced on lower building levels and drasticaly on higher level buildings. (diminishing returns for each consecutive upgrade)

-Money output of all food buildings drasticaly reduced. (invest in food or money, but not both at once)

-Percentage boost for farming income generated by buildings drasticaly increased. (to not make them useless, farms make roughly as much money with the highest level mill as vanilla farms without mill)

-Building Costs drasticaly increased on lower level buidlings and strongly increased on higher level buidlings.

-Building times on lower level buidlings drasticaly incraesed and increased strongly on higher level buildings. (high level buildings wont give as much of an increase but will not take much more time to build than previous tier)

-Building money upkeep increased by 50%.

-Building food upkeep increased moderately on lower level buidlings and drasticaly on higher level buildings. (a large city will require much more food than a medium one)

-Unit recruitment cost reduced by 50%.

-Unit upkeep cost increased by 50% for tier 1 units, 40% for T2 units and 30% for T3 units.

-Raiding stance now reduces food and money output of the raided region by 50%, reduces upkeep of raiding army by 50% and gives -6 public order.

-Campaign AI unit food upkeep is now only reduced by 2 instead of 4. (vanilla upkeep 6 food/unit, now 8 food/unit)

-Campaign AI will receive 30% food bonus instead of vanilla 60%

-Campaign AI receives smaller bonus than before for its recruitment pool replenishment but a way bigger bonus to its cap. The idea here is that it has bigger reserves than the player, but once they are depleted it wont pull huge elite stacks out of thin air.

-Player receives a small supply debuff of -2. Im probably going to expand on reworking the supply system later, for
now this is all, almost not worth mentioning.

-Campaign AI builds 50% faster and 50% cheaper, since it is way to easy for the player to get ahead economicaly I hope this will put AI and player on a more equal footing.

-Honour genereted by buildings is halved

I hope it has the desired effect, plaese tell me how the mod changed the AI threat for you. 😉