Hearts of Men

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Author: CloudsInTheSky

Last revision: 16 Apr, 2018 at 10:39 UTC

File size: 93.18 KB

On Steam Workshop


Hearts of Men (and Women) is a neat little mod that allows you to RIP the hearts of your unconscious or sleeping enemies. However, this does not apply to all characters in the game. I only restricted this ability on cannibals, thieves, slaves, thugs, bandits and other low lives who want to attack you on sight. This is so you don’t break the gameplay and start plucking hearts left and right leaving towns deserted or accidentally killing important named NPCs.

You can’t eat the hearts either (you savage animal) but you can sell them at Hive and Skeleton Merchants for a nice profit. Be aware that hearts are considered illegal goods throughout the Human and Shek nations. There might be a few other small merchants, who are outside the jurisdiction of the big nations, that will buy them from you at the normal price.

Update me if you encounter any issues with the mod. Also, I implemented a custom heart icon that should automatically be imported into the game from the mod’s folder.

Check my other crazy mods: http://steamcommunity.com/id/seularts/myworkshopfiles/?appid=233860