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Author: kelstr

Last revision: 11 Mar, 2017 at 02:00 UTC

File size: 2.08 MB

On Steam Workshop


This mod is 100% SAVE GAME COMPATIBLE !!!!

Hey Guys,

So after weeks of hunting for the specific code in the game… I gave up on trying to change the campaign map environment. Low and behold earlier this week, while extracting EVERY file in EVERY .pack file for the game, I stumbled across something interesting…..

So I present to you… DARKER CAMPAIGN MAP !!!

I’ve wanted to do this since seeing how dark and awesome the beastmen campaign map is. I noticed there’s so much more detail on the map that we don’t notice when it’s so bright !! Since darkening the map, it has a much more moody feeling to it, which better suits the Warhammer world. IMHO.

I’m open to making adjustments to this mod as people see fit… but first some explanation.

This darker campaign map is tied to each GEOGRAPHICAL REGION. The regions are…

Chaos Lands
Empire Lands
Bretonnia Lands
Norsca Lands
Badland Lands
Mountainous Lands (Between each region, and where the Dwarves start on the campaign map).

So I can change the weather / sky for these indiviual regions. For this mod… I have the following…

Chaos Lands – Red glow to the sky (tamed down from the vanilla campaign map)
Empire Lands – Dark sky
Bretonnia Lands – Dark sky
Norsca Lands – Slightly lighter sky with Snowing Effect
Badland Lands – Slightly darker sky than vanilla, with a bit of light red added to the sky.
Mountainous Lands – Dark Sky

I wish I could add this "night" cycle to the campaign map… but I don’t think it’s possible to swap between this environment and a bright daytime environment. Would be nice if every 4 turns it would swap back and forth… would also be nice if Vamps got a bonus during the darker campaign map !!! But I don’t think it’s possible for us modders.

Ok well.. I was going to release this mod tomorrow, but I’m going to release it tonight instead 🙂 I’ll just update it tomorrow for all of ya 🙂

Enjoy this and all my mods, it’s a pleasure to help add things that the community loves. What I wouldn’t give to work for CA !!!! haha Project manager here I come… lols
