Greece Tweak

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Last revision: 16 Jul, 2022 at 22:49 UTC

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Well it’s certainly been awhile hasn’t it? I must first apologize for the long wait, life’s been a bit hectic for me these last few months, but now I’m finally free to get back to playing games and modding. At long last, the promise Greece Tweak mod is here! Greece is in a similar situation to Rome, where I don’t think that their abilities are necessarily bad but rather that time and the release of more civs (particularly from the expansions and new frontier pass) have left them feeling underwhelming in comparison. Without futher ado, I hope you all like the changes I’ve made to Greece and as always feedback is very much appreciated!

  • Surrounded by Glory has been buffed so that now you receive 20% more Great Artist, Great Engineer, Great Scientist, and Great Merchant points when you are suzerain of at least 2 city-states that belong to the appropriate city-state type (that being Cultural, Industrial, Scientific, and Trade). The intention with this change is to strengthen Greece’s culture/diplomatic gameplay under Pericles’s leadership by allowing them to use their suzerainships to gain more great people points and thus recruit great people faster. Of course the necessary drawback to such a powerful ability is that the player actively has to maintain their suzerainships so that a rival civ doesn’t snatch a city-state from you and deny you your great people bonus.
  • Thermopylae has been changed so that instead of receiving culture upon killing a unit, encampment buildings now provide +2 Culture and +1 Science. In addition to that, your units now heal 35 hit points upon capturing a city with at least 1 specialty district. The bonus combat strength from slotted military policy cards has been kept from the previous version of this ability. The intention with these changes is to allow Gorgo to build encampments in the early game without forgoing science or culture so she can still get the techs and civics she needs, while the healing helps her to engage in more drawn out wars with other civs without having to wait for her units to heal back to full.
  • Plato’s Republic has been buffed so that now cities with an established Governor receive +10% Production and +15% Gold, with those numbers being doubled to +20% and +30% respectively if the Governor has three or more promotions. The intention with this change was to expand upon Greece’s civ ability in a way that benefits both leaders. For Pericles this ability grants his cities additional production to help them build wonders and districts while the additional gold helps him buy the great people he wants. For Gorgo this ability allows her to build and maintain a large army of units.
  • Hoplites have received a buff so that they now have 30 combat strength and 3 movement. The intention of these changes are to make the Hoplite unit more appealing to build to players as well as to give them a better matchup against swordsmen. To compensate for these changes, the unit has had its production cost increased to 75 so that it takes slightly longer to build than usual.
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Sid Meier's Civilizationu00ae VI: Rise and Fall
Sid Meier's Civilizationu00ae VI: Gathering Storm