Black Armor for Karl Franz

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Author: I told you it would be magical.

Last revision: 4 Nov, 2017 at 20:27 UTC

File size: 8.07 MB

On Steam Workshop


Note: It has been difficult for me to update mods while at school. If you uncheck up-to-date mods you can use any mod that has not yet been updated for the latest patch while you wait for them to be updated.

Somebody asked if I could change Karl Franz’s armor to black, and being that that is a relatively simple request, I figured why not, so here it is.

I see an Emperor and I want it painted black
No colors anymore, I want them to turn black

I am still tweaking it, and I will update the portraits, as well.

Big thanks to DogSoldierSPQR for his fantastic YouTube Total War modding tutorials.