(Decay of an Empire) Battle of Majdahari

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Author: Spooks

Last revision: 19 Sep, 2023 at 13:10 UTC

File size: 12.52 MB

On Steam Workshop



"Pavol 17th 579: Following Kolesia’s defeat during Seige of Aradah, and the Moravian second and third mechanized divisions capture of Kolesian oilfields east of Majdahari, The Kolesian Colonial Guard as well as the Kolesian Royal Air Force were tasked with recapturing both the oilfields and the city itself."

[SERCEIAN THEATRE 13/15/579 – 1/3/580]

The second last map in the Serceian Theatre


Bots: 100-200

Balance: don’t change

Respawn Time: 10-15

Gamemode: Point match

Game length: Epic

USE THE COLONIAL SKINS [the ones under the normal skins in the config section of the collection]

Known issues:
– none that i know of but if there are let me know